Page 140 of Sweet Strings
I don’t dignify a response to the fan’s question. It’s none of her business. In fact, it’s no one’s business. They can be as upset as they want to be. Just like our PR manager was.
They can all shove it up their asses and keep their opinions to themselves. We’re happy, and that’s all that matters.
“Here,” I grunt, handing her back the notebook with my tiny signature decorating the page.
“Thank you so much!” she giggles, running her finger over my writing. Leaning in as if she’s about to whisper something, she says, “If you don’t feel like sharing anymore, I’m available. Only whores share.” The bold fan sniffs, sticking her nose in the air with a tiny smirk like she’s won something over on River, who snorts beside me.
“I’ll take that,” I grunt, ripping the page from her notebook and shoving it in my pocket.
“What?” she gasps with big eyes, reaching out to take the paper from me. “But you…”
“That was before you insulted my girlfriend. In front of my daughter, might I add. It was nice of me to even stop and sign this for you. I’m trying to have a nice night with my family, but I stopped because…”
I don’t know why I stopped. I suppose it’s instinct now. I hear my name, and I stop for signatures. Not anymore. Not when I’m with my girls. I’m here to protect them from everything. And that includes the disapproving look she’s giving us.
“I stopped because I thought it would be nice. This is the love of my life. So, have a good night.” I don’t bother giving her another look as she stands there, staring at me with wide, unblinking eyes.
She could be crying. Or giving me dirty looks. Maybe she’ll stay there all night glued to the spot, thinking about the day she stopped Callum Rose and was an asshole. I don’t care anymore. No one insults my Little Star without consequence. No one.
The fallout of our announcement hasn’t gone exactly bad. Well, until tonight. I guess.
But not good either.
The press is having a hay day with our unusual relationship. That’s what they call it, at least. Haven’t they seen a poly relationship before? Apparently, not. They’re always snapping pictures anywhere they can find us. If we leave the house anymore. It’s only been a few days, but we’re the talk of the nation.
River doesn’t seem to give a shit as long as Ly is safe from harm. So, whenever we’re out, I try to cover Lyric as best I can. She shouldn’t have to endure public life at such a young age because of us.
River clings to my side as she reclaims my hand, gently squeezing. “Poor girl,” she hums with sarcasm lacing her tone.
I snort. “Right. Poor thing.”
River grins, looking at me from beneath her lashes. “Kinda sexy how you stood up for me.”
Fuck. My cheeks heat when she nibbles her bottom lip. I swear my stomach bottoms out, swirling into a mass of lust as she bats her eyelashes in my direction. If she’s not careful, I’ll salute the entire crowd.
“Stop it, Little Star,” I whisper, leaning over so my lips brush against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “We’re in public,” I murmur.
“Have you ever…” she trails off, looking around the large library with a mischievous grin. “You know, they’ll let all the kids sit in a circle around the narrator. We could sneak away and give the books a show.”
Fuck. Me.
“No,” I choke out, kissing her cheek. “Stop it.” Little fucking tease. She giggles, shrugging.
And to think, Rad begged to come with us. He wanted in on the action of hanging out with Lyric. But I wanted this time to myself. Them to myself. Like the selfish bastard I am. Now, I’m kind of wishing I wasn’t so selfish so he could sit with Lyric, and I could fuck River over a stack of books in the hidden part of the library.
Maybe later.
As we walk further through the loitering crowd, people of all ages hang around the large, open reading room, murmuring to each other. Thankfully, no one else notices who I am.
A single chair rests at the front of the room reserved for the children’s librarian giving the people of East Point a treat for tonight.
“You sit here, Daddy!” Lyric says, bouncing on her toes and pointing to two chairs sitting side by side. “Mommy here. Daddy here,” she demands.
If there’s one thing I’ve come to know about my daughter, it’s that she’s a bossy little thing. One day she’ll grow up to be the leader of something. A business. A CEO. A band. Hell, she could form her own army, and everyone would listen to her. She has that kind of presence.
All I know is I’m nurturing her bossy side and helping her turn it into something powerful.
“And what about Lyric?” River hums, settling into a plastic chair with a grin. Looking up at me, she pats the spot next to her.