Page 145 of Sweet Strings
“I have a key.”
That makes her peek open an eye. Turning her head, she looks at him with furrowed brows.
“A key? I never gave you a key.”
My gaze snaps to him when he chuckles. “You didn’t have to give me a key, Pretty Girl. I always find a way in.”
“That’s creepy, Rad,” she grumbles, shaking her head.
He grins more, curling his hand around her waist. “Nah. Not creepy. It’s for your protection. What if you needed me, and I couldn’t get in? I couldn’t let that happen. So, I stole your key and made myself a copy before you even noticed.”
River stiffens. “Yeah. Totally not creepy,” she mutters with a sigh.
“Besides, I had a brilliant idea come to me. So, I couldn’t sleep either. I missed you today. Cal hogged you, and it made me sad.”
“Sharing is caring,” I say, flicking his ear.
“When did you become so mean?” he whines, covering his ear.
“What’s your idea? I’m awake now,” River grumbles into my chest.
“Do you have any plans for our baby girl’s birthday? Because I have the best damn idea on the fucking planet.” Pride leaks into his tone when he grins so bright it’s visible in the darkness of the room. “I’m taking your silence as a go-on moment. How about we rent out the East Point Amusement Park? It has that cute little unicorn section for kids and maybe some roller coasters for us adults. What do you think?”
“Not a bad idea,” she says. “But let’s smooth over the details later. I’m tired again.”
“I have an idea!”
I raise a brow when Rad waltzes into the living room, pointing his finger toward the ceiling.
Great. The brilliant idiot has an idea. Judging by the goofy grin stretching his lips, he thinks it’s a good one. I’m going to need a shit load more coffee before this is over. I just fucking know it.
The morning sun blazes in through the windows on our lazy Saturday morning. It’s been a week since we returned from Central City, and everything is falling into place after our time together with River.
Like beautiful patches coming together after being blown to bits. We’re repairing ourselves one stitch at a time. Not only our relationship with each other, but our relationship with ourselves as individuals.
We came to an agreement with River when we got back about taking things slowly. She’s determined to get to know us better again as the men we are now as opposed to who we were back then. AKA—she wants to take things at a glacial pace, which is fine. Totally fine.
Slow and me don’t mix anymore. I’ve had my taste, and now, I need to devour her completely. With all the restraint I have nestled in my body, I’m trying to hold back from tearing every inch of her clothes off whenever she’s around.
More than anything, I want to show her I can respect her wishes. And I do. I love that she wants to reacquaint herself with us before we jump into the deep end with each of us. The last thing our new relationship needs is for us to drown before we ever learn to swim together. Despite the paparazzi constantly watching us and photographing our every move, which she doesn’t seem to mind, I’m letting my River Blue come to me, like she has the others.
Which immediately took my plans of moving her in with us out the window. If it were up to me, I’d hogtie River and kidnap her, so she’d stay with us twenty-four seven. Her and Ly.
Am I feeling a little territorial about my woman? Yes, yes, I am. I’ve been away for too long, suffering in an all-consuming rage.
I need her.
She’s the light at the end of my darkened tunnel, shining brighter by the day.
“You and great ideas are usually not in the same sentence,” Callum quips from the couch, nursing a cup of coffee with one eye open.
Sometimes I wonder how Rad rolls out of bed in the morning with so much pep. It’s disgusting.
Rad frowns, stopping short. “I have good ideas. I take offense to that.”
I shrug. “Sometimes.” More like never.
“Sometimes? Rude,” he huffs, plopping down next to me on the couch. “You assholes never change.”