Page 161 of Sweet Strings
“Hey, girl! Want me to get that set up?” Olivia asks, running up to my side. “Hey, cutie pie.” She pinches Lyric’s cheeks, much to her disapproval.
“Hey, Liv,” I say, leaning in to hug her with a grin. “That’d be amazing. We’re going there, and then we can do the cake.”
She agrees, rushing off toward the cake as we leave the area, walking to the fun house.
“Wow, this is bitchin’,” Lyric says with a grin, staring up at the house.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” I huff, raising a brow at my baby girl, who has a knack for saying words she shouldn’t.
“Bitchin’. Cousin Roman says it allllllllll the time.” She raises her chin with confidence, huffing at my downturned face.
“Sorry, Little Blue. That’s a bad word. You shouldn’t say that ever again.” Kieran shakes his head, using his best dad voice to get the desired effect. I can tell the moment sadness crosses his face. He regrets being so stern.
Lyric’s lip pouts out, and she nods, sniffling. “Okay, Daddy. I’m sorry. But you says it all the time.”
I put my hand up to my lips, holding back the laugh that begs to escape. She has them there. They curse all the time without consequence.
“Fuck she’s right,” Rad groans, quickly covering his lips. “I mean, she’s right. No more cussing.”
“I can’t be mad at that,” Kieran whispers in my ear frantically, watching her pouty lip.
“You have to be,” I mumble, leaning into his side. “She won’t learn unless you correct her bad behavior. You did good.” He perks up, kissing me on the cheek when I applaud his effort.
“Let’s go,” Callum says with his eyes lighting up. “I’m going to take her through,” he says excitedly, holding out his hand.
Lyric doesn’t waste a moment, grabbing onto his hand and practically dragging him through the entrance of the fun house, which happens to be a rolling, dark tunnel.
I smile when she falls, giggling as the piece continues to slowly roll them. Thankfully, Callum grabs her and drags her through the curtain at the end, and they venture into the unknown.
“Shall we?” Kieran asks, sweeping a hand out with mischief behind his eyes.
“You want to go?”
“Why not, Pretty Girl? Let’s go through the fun house and look at ourselves in those ridiculous mirrors. I haven’t seen one of these in so damn long.”
Without a second thought, Kieran grabs my hand, pulling me forward. The three of us shake with laughter as we enter the turning tube, losing our balance halfway through.
I fall over my stupid feet, plummeting to the moving ground with a thump.
“Fuck,” I grumble, trying to balance myself to stand, but it doesn’t work.
And wouldn’t you know it? Those assfaces didn’t wait for me either. There they are, laughing their heads off at the end of the tunnel, watching as I continually fall.
“Crawl to me, Pretty Girl,” Rad quips, wiggling his fingers in my direction as he stands under the black sheet hiding the rest of the attraction.
I grin, shakily moving forward on my hands and knees until Rad’s hands grips under my armpits, and he pulls me into the darkened room, only lit by neon LEDs.
“Holy hell,” I murmur, leaning my front against Rad’s, heaving a breath. “This place is crazy.”
Kieran chuckles, kissing my cheek from behind. “Let’s keep going.”
“Yeah. Let’s… But you guys have to catch me,” Rad shouts, taking off at warp speed out of the darkened room and through another set of curtains.
I blink through the darkness as Rad’s body heat disappears, and he whoops in the distance.
Kieran chuckles, holding me close. “I think he’s having more fun than Ly.”
I grin. “It’s nice to let loose some days and pretend we aren’t adults.” I lean my head against his shoulder, soaking in the warmth he’s offering me in the midst of darkness.