Page 40 of Sweet Strings
I purse my lips. “Asshole. Ash has a car we could steal,” I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest. “He wouldn’t fucking mind.”
Since the day we moved in here, we’ve been cooped up. Well, some of us have. I brought my damn dirt bike but no other forms of transportation like an idiot. The guys, on the other hand, brought their vehicles and stored them in the garage—genius assholes.
“Ride bitch or don’t, but I’m following to see. You can sneak up the stairs, steal Ash’s keys, and then try to keep up. But they’ll be long gone by then.” Fuck. Fuckity, shit balls. I hate his stupid logical side.
I scowl even more, huffing at his words. “Fucking fine,” I grumble, shoving my feet into my sneakers as he does the same. “But if I get a boner, it’s from the vibrations. Not you.”
Callum stiffens, stopping dead at the doorway to the garage. “Really? That’s the first thing that pops into your head?” Pops up, hell yes, it will.
“Vibrations, dude! It’s like…” He holds up his hand, cutting me off.
“I don’t want to hear about the vibrations, Rad. Keep those thoughts to yourself. And your fucking dick. If I feel anything stiff behind me…”
“What are you going to do?” I goad, grinning when we walk into the garage. “Stroke me? Cuz yeah, I might like that, baby,” I quip, earning a gut punch that knocks the air from my lungs. “Fine, fuck. No need to get violent,” I wheeze, bending at the waist. “Your punch is wicked good.”
“Get on,” Callum demands, patting the seat behind him as he settles his helmet on his head and hands me mine. “They haven’t left yet, but they will soon.” He raises a brow as the idling car outside starts revving in the driveway. “Now or never,” he says, hitting the button to the garage as the car’s loud exhaust echoes as they drive off down the long, winding driveway.
“This never gets out,” I grumble, straddling the bike. “Like ever.” Callum snorts in response, shaking his head.
“Hands on my waist,” he says, as the garage door lifts, and he revs the engine, taking off at full speed toward the closing gate.
“Fuuuck!” I shout into the air, clutching Callum’s waist with my tight grip. The wind whips around us when he accelerates more, narrowly making it through the closing gate until we’re free and on the road. In the distance, I swear I hear River’s guard yelling at us to stop or go get the girl. I’ll pretend it’s the latter, because that’s what I’m about to do. Go get the damn girl.
“There they are!” I shout, pointing to the stupid car ahead. “Follow that car!” Shit, I’ve always wanted to say that.
A sense of joy spears through me for the first time in years; I finally feel fucking alive. No more drowning myself in groupies. No more chasing a high that never fucking came. This entire time, I needed River. I needed her back in my damn arms. This go-around, no matter what, I’m not letting her go. Ever. I’ll beg and plead and suck her clit until she forgives me again.
“It’s a restaurant,” Callum grumbles, bringing the bike to a halt in an alleyway next to the fancy-looking eatery.
“Fucker took my girl out on a date,” I huff, jumping off the bike, watching like a hawk as he opens the door for her, and she snorts at him, looking up at him with those big eyes of hers. She is probably batting her eyelashes and flirting and shit. Fuck. I grunt, removing my helmet and smoothing down my curls.
“Your girl?” Callum asks, shoving his helmet off and setting it on the bike with a grunt.
“Yeah. My girl.” I shrug, peeking through the big picture window, spying on them through the glass. “Fuck. He’s wining and dining her and pulling out all the stops. Look at that shit! I bet it costs thousands of dollars. Shit. He’s hot. So, fucking hot, and I’m…” I frown, looking down at my torn jeans and my damn cut-off shirt that splits over my ribs, showing off my tattoos. “Different,” I mumble, folding my arms over my chest.
Years ago, she loved this version of me. Watching her now, it seems her tastes have changed from broody, quirky rock stars to stuffy, suit-loving douchebags.
“What’s going on?” Callum asks gruffly, running a hand through his blond curls. “Your girl?” His face twists in confusion, and a pained expression takes over. “But she…” My gaze snaps to him, recognizing the war he’s fighting inside his mind. Because I was there, too. Fighting with myself on the rights and wrongs of what happened. There’s so much we don’t know the truth about. But you know what they say? The truth always has a way of coming to light. Sooner or later, we’ll fully understand what happened.
“Cal, bro.” I lay a hand on his shoulder, squeezing tight.
“How can you… I don’t understand,” he mutters, squeezing his eyes shut. Pain flashes across his face in waves until he’s sucking in breaths. “She kissed him, and then that video—” I squeeze again, forcing his gaze to meet mine. “I saw it all, Rad. How can you—” He swallows hard, unable to finish his sentence without letting his feelings known.
“We don’t have the whole story, man. I feel it right here,” I say, pounding my fist into my aching chest. “Look past the hurt and the damn pain from losing her. Use logic, Cal. River West was so annoyed by Van. Why would she go back to him? Why would she willingly get in his backseat again? Why would she willingly kiss him? Tell me because right now, nothing makes sense.”
Callum runs a hand down his face in contemplation, staring off into the distance. From here, I visibly see the memories working through his mind, and he shakes his head. “She wouldn’t,” he murmurs, collapsing back with realization. “She called us for help when he stalked her at the bar. I remember the weariness in her eyes every time he was around. She never asked for help and did with us,” he whispers with a cloudy look fogging his eyes. “She trusted us,” he finally surmises exactly what I’ve been saying. I vigorously nod, noting the moment my dear Callum gets on board with my plan.
“You see it, don’t you? Yes! Now, all I have to do is figure out what the hell else happened. We know Ash got the video from Van. For whatever reason. Then he was there at the damn apartment when you showed. But why?” I pace the small length in front of us, wracking my damn brain about the entire situation. By the end of it, my brain aches from trying to figure it out. “Why the hell was he there? It’s like someone told him to go or something. But how fucked up would that be?”
“It’s odd,” Callum agrees, scratching at his chin. “I still don’t understand. Why would he be at her apartment? I thought he was there like it was a regular thing,” he murmurs, blowing out his cheeks and releasing the air. “He was so damn comfortable there.”
My pacing takes me back and forth, finally delivering me to my intended target. Stumbling over my feet, I right myself just in time to see my worst fears coming true. God damn it! I can’t be too late! She can’t get involved with him. She’s mine! Unless we become brothers in the dick brigade for River. Now, that could work. But I’m not sure how I feel about another dick when there are four of us. If the others jump on board, that is.
“Motherfucker!” I hiss, peeking through the window, eyeing my damn mission. “He’s holding her damn hand from across the table!” I frown, stepping back and checking my reflection in the glass. “I look okay?”
Callum blinks at me several times. “What the hell are you about to do?” His muscles turn rigid, and he cocks his head. “Rad.”
“I’m going in there, of course,” I say, waving a hand in the direction of the restaurant where my girl sits with another fucking man. “Duh! We didn’t stalk her all the way downtown to a fancy restaurant to not interrupt her date.” I narrow my eyes looking around the area, noting how empty the streets seem on a Saturday night. “I can’t go in there empty-handed, though,” I grumble, stepping out of the random alleyway and taking in the shops around me. “Ah-ha! I’ll be right back!” I shout, taking off down the road at a full sprint, slamming into the flower shop as Callum shouts my name.