Page 79 of Sweet Strings
“Good morning to you, too.” Chase grins as he flips over a pancake, humming a tune. His shaggy blond hair flaps around as he dances along to the music playing on his phone. “Want some pancakes?”
“They’re pretty good,” Zepp says, taking a large bite.
“See! I told you I could cook, Grumpy,” Chase gripes, glaring at Carter, who scoffs in his direction, not even bothering to make a response.
“Morning. I need lots of coffee, and then Ly and I have to head home…” I trail off at the thought of going home. Dread builds in the pits of my stomach. Home. Am I safe there anymore? Will the same thing keep happening until this asshole has enough and takes me as his own? Shit. I suck in a breath and squeeze my eyes shut. This is the second meltdown I’ve had this morning. Understandably so. I guess. Fuck. I need to pull myself together, so Ly doesn’t sense anything really being wrong.
“Ah, you’re getting pancakes from the douchebags living across the street, aren’t you?” Seger asks, settling on a stool with a plate loaded with food in front of him. “I’m shocked you haven’t murdered them yet.”
I wrinkle my nose, falling down the rabbit hole of what-ifs and my family’s safety. “They’re being punished,” I grumble, swallowing the razor blades in my throat.
Carter’s eyes dart to mine with suspicion. He nods his head to the side, clearing his throat. “A word?”
I nod, licking my lips, following behind. As I pass Kaycee, she gently hands me a piping hot cup of coffee without a word. Bless her soul.
“You look like you’re fucking terrified,” Carter remarks, eyeing me as he leans against the wall. He crosses his arms over his chest.
“You think, Sherlock?” I grumble, taking a sip of my coffee.
Ah, the sweet nectar of the Gods. It’ll perk me right out of this shitty funk. Soon, I’ll be ready to face my stalker head-on. Just give me thirty minutes and more coffee.
“I’ll forgive you for that. I was just stating the fucking obvious. You’re terrified to go home.”
“As I should be, right? That asshole listened to me…me…” I trail off, my cheeks heating.
“Oh, well, that ought to be fucking good. Want to enlighten me on what you were doing?” He grins wide with a mischievous glint sparking in his eyes.
“Fuck off. Nope. No way.” I’m definitely not telling him I was getting myself off as my former boyfriends watched and listened, begging to come inside.
“On a serious note, Little West. We’ve been working all night to secure your camera system. No one else can view it. We scoured the damn server looking for whoever was in there too and booted them. Unfortunately, we couldn’t track them to their location. Only the security company you hired. But we were able to make sure no one else but Veritas has access now.”
I swallow hard. Someone was using my cameras to look at me. Hear me. Fucking watched me. And my child. My poor fucking baby has had someone’s strange eyes set on her. My stomach drops. How could someone do that? Who even knows how? This is absolutely ridiculous. Our safety is my number one priority. I’m just so damn fed up with watching my back and over my shoulder. I want my safe space back.
“Thanks for looking out for us. Um… Is it safe to go back home?” Despite the intrusion, I want to sink into my bed and never get up. That place was built just for me and Ly. It’s my damn sanctuary. I won’t allow some desperate asshole to take over my life.
“You’re good to go home. Just know, I’ll be keeping an eye on you. So, keep your clothes on.” He raises a brow, smirking when I flip him off.
“You’re an asshole. I don’t know how my angel sister-in-law puts up with you,” I scoff, faking my anger as he laughs.
“She tamed me,” he whispers with affection, eyeing the space near the entrance of the kitchen where Kaycee walks around, kissing her children on the head and handing them their breakfast.
“Okay, well… I’ll be heading out then. Anything else I need to know?”
“Keep vigilant. Carry your damn knife… Or that gun Liv gave you a year ago for protection. You remember how to shoot it, don’t you?”
“Yes. She forces me to go to the range at least once a month. I’ll never forget how to shoot,” I grumble into my coffee, taking another long swig.
“I know you don’t like it. But knowing how to point, aim, and shoot will be useful if you’re ever in a situation with that deranged fuckhead. Got it?” His tone brokers no room for argument. Much like a damn dad’s voice.
“Yeah. Yeah. I’ll dig it out from my closet and—”
“Load it, River. Load it the fuck up. Put the safety on and put it beside your fucking girly toys in your drawer. Have it available. If he was watching through the fucking cameras… What’s stopping him from jumping through your windows? Set your fucking alarm. Load your gun and protect yourself,” he growls, inching closer to me. A tic forms in his jaw as his eyes assess the fear on my face and paling skin. Blowing out a breath, he wipes a hand down his face. “I’m not trying to fucking scare you. I’m trying to make you understand. Right now, you’re safe. We’re doing everything in our power to prevent this from escalating. I have some agents surveying your property and watching for anything serious.”
“Okay,” I say, swallowing hard again. “Thanks, Carter.”
“You’re in safe hands, Little West. You just gotta take the fucking precautions yourself, too. That’s all.”
With that, I finish my coffee slowly, preparing myself for the inevitable. My skin crawls when Ly and I climb into my car. As I buckle her in, I kiss her cheek as she waves to all her cousins, watching us go.