Page 83 of Sweet Strings
Blood drips in the back of my mind, spelling out the dreaded word.Mine. My head spins, and colors swirl together. Shutting my eyes tight, I breathe through the panic running rampant. When did this sicko go from taking simple pictures of our outings to this? Spying on me inside my home—my fucking sanctuary—as I undress and go about my life. Vomit soars up my esophagus, ready to spew at the mere thought of what they’ve seen through their camera lens. Everything. That’s what.
“Three. Years?” Kieran growls quietly, keeping his anger at bay.
Barely. Kieran’s like an unstable volcano, ready to spew his lava everywhere when the pressure gets too much. If we’re not careful, we’ll all burn under his intensity. Hell, I could probably stick nickels in his flaring nostrils right now. One false move, and we’re all dead. Me, especially.
I sigh. The jig is up, and I’m backed into a corner. The last thing I wanted to speak of or acknowledge was the man following me around like a lunatic. “Yes. Three years of having some stranger following me and taking pictures. It’s never been an issue—”
“Don’t let her play it off as nothing. He takes fucking pictures of her and Lyric. Up until recently, that’s all it’s been. Then you chuckleheads came into the picture, pissing the little bastard off. Hence the cow blood on the porch,” Carter’s gruff voice echoes through the house with authority. Plopping down, he yanks his laptop open and taps a few keys.
“What the hell, Pretty Girl?” Sitting beside me, Rad pulls my hand into his, gently squeezing. “I know we’re not in a good place or haven’t spoken, but your life is in danger. How could you not tell us? You could have come to us, no matter what.” Hurt lines his expression more than the concern etching into his face.
“I’m sorry. I—” I swallow my words. I shouldn’t have to apologize. They’re the ones that walked away. Not me.
What the hell can I say?Sorry for not telling you right away that some creep has been following me around. Sorry you weren’t here for the past three years to know what was happening. Let’s not pretend we’re some happy family now. Because of Asher, we were separated and could have done nothing about it.
“Whoever the fuck this is has a knack for computers. Your cameras have been compromised. Inside and fucking out. Fucking manipulated, too. This fucker took out footage and replaced it with a damn loop,” Carter grumbles, staring at the screen with his lips peeled back.
“So, whoever it is—”
“Made themselves fucking invisible.” My face falls at his words. “But don’t fucking worry, Little West. I’m not the owner and operator of CC Tech for nothing.”
“Plus, a Veritas consultant,” Olivia adds, snapping her fingers.
My muscles tense at his words. Concealed. Undetectable. Fucking invisible like always, hiding in the damn shadows. Fucking coward! How someone could walk onto my damn property with a security guard and cameras and not get caught is a goddamn mystery. It’s like they knew exactly what they were doing and planned it all out.
I’ve ignored their presence for years, refusing to look over my shoulders. Like hell, would I allow them to see the fear in my eyes. Or the shudder of my nerves when the wind blew just right, and I felt eyes searing through my flesh.
I’m not a raging idiot. I knew they were hiding in the distance with a camera attached to their hands, probably jacking their tiny penis to my image. Denial is a hell of a drug to suffocate yourself in. It convinced me many times that I was okay and that they wouldn’t harm us. Until the pictures arrived more frequently. And now this.
“What are we going to do?” Rad asks, squeezing my hand again, comforting me in unexpected ways.
We. Not you. Or her. He’s including himself, maybe all of them, into this equation. Something stupid flutters in my chest. Maybe it’s the hope of reconciliation. Or perhaps it’s the same foolish organ that got me into this situation in the first place.
“Run and fucking hide,” Carter suggests without peering at us. A permanent scowl etched onto his face, but I’m used to it by now. He only smiles for violence and my sister-in-law, Kaycee.
Olivia side-eyes him. “Thanks for being subtle like we discussed.” He waves a hand, ignoring her presence altogether.
“What do you mean?” Don’t say it. Don’t fucking say the most rational thing that’s about to fall out of your mouth. Please don’t. I’m not prepared for this.
“River,” she says sincerely, dropping into a chair across from me. “You’re more than my friend, babe. I love you and Lyric. I want to protect you both more than I have in the past. It’s never been this bad.”
“I know.” Razor blades slide down my throat at her implication. My mind whirls in so many different directions. I swear I’m giving myself whiplash.
“Then don’t hate me when I suggest our safe house in Maine. It’s the farthest place away from here. Away from that asshole who won’t leave you alone.”
Fuck me running, sideways, and up the damn stairs. Maine? Shit. My heart crashes into the waves of my volatile stomach. It’s either fly across the country or die at the hands of my crazy stalker. And I like my damn life.
“In the meantime, I’ll scour this footage and unscramble what this dickhead did. I’ll find this bastard if it’s the last thing I do, Little West.”
“Maine?” I ask, shaking my head. “I can’t go to Maine. Liv, I have a life here… I can’t run just because of some weirdo. I’m braver than that.”
Fingers squeeze mine in support as my mind jumps off a damn cliff into the what ifs. My calendar flies by in my swirling mind reminding me of my obligations coming in the next few months. The boys need me. They have gigs to rock and mental hurdles to overcome.
“I’m sorry, Riv. I can’t give you a choice in this. At midnight we’re extracting you. Whether you like it or not, babe. This is for your safety and hers. This is non-negotiable.” She rubs a finger along her forehead, nervously watching my blank reaction. “You trusted me with your safety three years ago when Carter introduced us. And I’m saying all of this for your damn safety.”
“It’ll be for the best, Pretty Girl,” Rad whispers with an aching sadness squeezing his voice, running a finger along my chin, and bringing my gaze to his. “I don’t know much about the situation. But we need you safe.”
“You’ll be safe. That’s the only thing that matters,” Callum says, sidling up to my other side. “You two are too important to lose.” He swallows hard, keeping his eyes locked on mine.