Page 86 of Sweet Strings
Fat chance.
Murmurs vibrate around me in muted conversations. Some snores ring out. But not mine. I’m left begging for sleep and staring out the darkened window, wondering how my life ended up like this.
Away we go, back to the city that started it all. Our beginning. Our love. Our brutal fucking ending.
For so long, I’ve held onto this grudge, letting it infect me with the need for revenge. Suddenly, I’m not feeling so vengeful. Day by day, though, they’re breaking down the walls I’ve put in place.
Forgiveness is on the horizon, but there’s still so much work to be done to earn my trust and prove their loyalty.
Doyou ever feel like you’re falling down the deep, dark rabbit hole of déjà vu? One second, your life is going according to plan. Work. Kiddo in school. And a nameless band across the street eager to improve under your direction.
The next? There’s a stalker on your ass, and you’re being whisked away on a not-so-vacation with the four guys you’d rather bury in the sand than spend more quality time with.
I frown at my thoughts. Shut it, brain. There’s no room for your intrusive thoughts right now. We have more important things to worry about. Like stalkers, security, and whether or not I can fucking sleep tonight.
Besides, if these men want to make up for what they did to me as boys, then bring it on. I’m all for their redemption if they’re eager to prove themselves to not only me but Lyric. They can fall to their knees, beg for mercy, crawl over glass shards, and scrape their knees. There’s so much they can do to make me truly believe they’re sorry for their actions.
Speaking of, they’ve already achieved step number one…
“Daddy! This is so cool.” Lyric’s voice echoes through the fucking mansion on a hill smack dab in the middle of a field on the outskirts of Central City near their old stomping grounds—Lakeview.
From my spot on the driveway, I can see nothing outside the tall fence protecting the property all the way around, with cameras sitting everywhere. Callum wasn’t kidding when he said this place was a fortress.
The only question that remains is why? Why Central City again? Didn’t they run away from this place with the intention of never returning?
It’s fitting, though, sitting here in the familiar early September heat, sweating my ass off and wishing for the AC. Only this time, I don’t have to walk a mile to work or worry about my computer taking a shit on me for class. My only obstacles are four men, a stalker, and a child to protect.
“Are you coming, Pretty Girl?” Rad’s hand slides to my lower back, fitting there as he waits patiently.
His brows dip when I nod, looking around the semi-familiar space.
“Yeah,” I say, clearing my throat through the mess of emotions bubbling to the surface.
“Okay, now that everyone is here,” Jordy says with a pleased grin, clapping his hands. “Let’s go over some rules and whatnot.”
I plop on the oversized couch in the spacious, modern living room, sinking into the fabric. Rad does the same, staying insanely close to me. Since this morning, he’s refused to leave my side, plastering himself to me. His fingers seek mine, and I let him grip my hand in his without protest. If he asked, I’d deny the immediate ease wrapping around my soul like a blanket on a cold winter’s night. Finally, I can breathe. If even for a moment.
“All righty. Callum, I’m impressed. A few of our Illinois agents looked this place over from top to bottom, and I gotta say, bro, it’s like you were expecting this. No one could trace this back to you, even if they tried. You don’t have any stalking tendencies to confess to, do you?” Jordy raises a playful brow, grinning at Callum, who stiffens on my other side.
“No.” He blanches.
“Glad we have that settled. There are cameras everywhere, which we’ve commandeered to our feeds. I’d highly suggest not strutting around naked outside because I’ll see what you’re packing. Speaking of the outdoors, do that as little as possible. Consider yourselves under house arrest. No sunlight. No midnight ice cream runs.”
“No ice cream?” Lyric pouts, climbing into Asher’s lap.
Jordy snorts. “That’s where I come in, Ly. You tell Mommy to text me, and Uncle Jordy will bring you all the ice cream you need. Only if you stay inside, capiche?”
“Okay,” she says, settling back onto Asher, who wraps an arm around her and whispers something in her ear, causing her to grin. My heart melts when she lays her head on his shoulder and sags with relief in his arms.
“A house phone has been placed in the kitchen, and you also have the flip phone in River’s possession. That’s your tool to the outside world. If you need anything, give me a ring. Food. Toilet paper. Hell, I’ll even buy you some micro condoms.” He snorts at his own joke, earning glares from the rest of the guys.
“Tool,” Rad mutters under his breath, bringing Jordy’s grin back in full force.
“Anywho, I’ll be here in ten seconds flat. You’re completely secure in this giant-ass house in the middle of nowhere.”
“You’ll keep me updated, right? If you catch him or whatever?” I question timidly, picking at my nails.