Page 12 of Finding Paradise
I was halfway across the floor before I realized I was moving. I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was going to say, but I couldn’t just stand by and watch this any longer. I had to at least plead my case.
I still had no plan when I reached them, and I felt as surprised as they appeared when I opened my mouth and said, “I need you to step away from my boyfriend.”
Huh. I didn’t expect those words to come out, but they were effective; Hayes and the sparkling man stopped dancing and looked at me.
“Um…did I miss something?” Sparkles asked, propping his hands on his hips.
I couldn’t read Hayes’ expression when he answered slowly, “I think so.”
Sparkles let out an exasperated sigh and dropped his hands. “You guys are too confusing. If this isn’t going to lead to anything tonight, I gotta bounce.” With that, he disappeared into the crowd, but neither Hayes nor I watched him leave; our eyes were locked on each other.
My heart pounded in my ears as I waited for him to speak. Had I crossed the line? Was he disgusted? Intrigued? Irritated that I’d sent his dancing partner away?
“Boyfriend, huh?” he finally said, but his tone and expression were so flat that I still didn’t know how he felt.
“Well, I mean, only if you want that. You get a say in it, of course. I can’t just proclaim it…even though I kind of just did that, but I mean…” I stopped because I had no idea what any of my babbling meant.
Hayes blinked. “I thought we had a great connection and hoped that’s where we were heading, but when you said you didn’t want to dance, I thought maybe I was pushing too hard or expecting too much. I thought maybe you needed some space.”
“No! Hayes, I never said I didn’t want to dance with you. I said I couldn’t, and that’s the truth. Have you ever watched a documentary on baby giraffes?” His eyes squinted in confusion, but he nodded. “Okay, so you know how they’re knock-kneed and totally ungraceful? It’s cute on a baby giraffe, but it’s not cute on a forty-six year old man.”
I knew he understood when he laughed, and the knot in my stomach released. “Hayes, I’m sorry if I confused you. I don’t need space, I just really, really suck at dancing.” I cupped his cheek in my hand, loving the feel of his stubble on my skin. “I also really, really want to be with you.”
"I want to be with you too." His words sent my pulse racing with glee. "And I want to be together as boyfriends, like you said. I had hookups in college and I'm not interested in that any more. I want a connection and a relationship."
I'd had my share of hookups too, and until I met Hayes, I thought they were sufficient. But I couldn't go back to that. I needed so much more with him, so I answered confidently, "So do I."
Hayes covered my hand with his and smiled at me…until it turned into an ornery smirk. "I also want to dance." I groaned and he chuckled. "Come on, you can't tell me how bad you are and not expect me to want to see."
I was so stoked to be with him, that I'd do any ridiculous thing he wanted me to do. I no longer cared about embarrassment; I only wanted to make Hayes happy. "You asked for this," I teased as I took a step back. "Don't say you weren't warned."
I pulled out my best (I use the term loosely) moves, snapping my hips left and right, and moving my arms in a drumming motion, surely looking like one of those creepy antique monkey toys. I snorted a laugh as I watched Hayes' expression morph into one of terror.
"Oh…oh my," he said with a grimace, "You weren't kidding. Oh honey, let me help you."
"Keep calling me honey and you can do whatever you want to me."
Hayes laughed (even though I wasn't joking) as he took my hands. "Let's put these here," he instructed, placing them on his hips, "And I'll put mine here." He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me close. "Now just rock with me like this."
Hayes moved his hips side to side, but in a much more fluid and rhythmic way than I had. It took me several moments of observation and many tries, but I was able to mimic his movement. I swayed left and right in time with him, but I wasn't able to match his confidence or grace.
"You've got it," Hayes encouraged as he pulled me even closer. "This isn't so bad, is it?"
"It's getting better," I admitted, snaking my arms fully around his hips. I gripped him tightly, holding him as close to me as possible while still allowing him to breathe. Every inch of his body was pressed against mine, and he felt incredible in my arms.