Page 9 of Finding Paradise
“So, did you get your work done?” Hayes asked as he looked over the food options.
I huffed a laugh and replied, “My work was sabotaged. Somehow my paperwork went missing, and my assistant refused to send me a new copy. She’s actually refusing to talk to me until after the cruise.” Hayes chuckled and I added, “So, I just walked around the ship to see everything. How was your afternoon?”
“It was good. I relaxed and got some sunshine, and I met a couple of nice people.” I’d seen one of those nice people, but I kept that to myself. “Actually, one guy told me about a dance tonight. It sounds fun; would you want to check it out with me?”
A flurry of emotions came over me. For one, I was thrilled by the invitation; it showed that Hayes wasn’t interested in having alone time with Six-pack McGee. Of course, another less thrilling explanation was that Hayes just saw me as another ‘nice person’ he’d met, and he wanted a fun night surrounded by friendly faces.
Yet another part of me was intimidated; I was a terrible dancer and would surely embarrass myself (and Hayes) if I attempted to do it. But I wasn’t about to let my insecurities or lack of talent keep me away from him. Whatever it meant or didn’t mean, whatever it led to or didn’t lead to, I wanted to be near him. So, I answered with, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Great.” Hayes’ eyes sparkled at me for a moment before they turned back to the menu. “Do you know what you’re going to eat?”
I hadn’t looked at the options yet, but as soon as I swiped a glance across the paper, I made my decision. “I’m getting the steak. I love some thick, juicy meat.” I wasn’t aware of how my words sounded until Hayes snorted a laugh.
“Ditto, but I think I’m going to get the duck breast. I’ve never tried it, and when else am I going to get the chance to try something so fancy?”
I chuckled at his excitement, and then the waiter returned to take our order before scurrying away again.
“So,” I began, folding my arms across the tabletop and giving Hayes all of my attention. “You run an antique store, you conquered your fear of flying, and you like sunshine and dancing. What else should I know about you?”
“Hmm.” He squished his lips up in thought. “I’m a pretty good baseball player.”
“No kidding?”
Hayes nodded. “I played all through middle and high school, and even got a scholarship to play in college. It paid my tuition, and I got to do something I loved.”
“That’s really impressive.” Hayes had to have a lot of talent in order to not only play the sport at that high level, but to also receive tuition to do so. I didn't know much about baseball, but I knew the basics of the game, and thought I was asking a good question, "So do you pitch or catch?" But with his answering laughter, I realized I was dropping more unintentional innuendo.
Hayes didn't seem to mind, though; he either thought I was trying to be funny or just accepted that I was kind of a dumbass, and honestly, either was fine with me. "Well, in actual baseball, I play shortstop, but in life, I am more of a…switch hitter." I heard his implied meaning loud and clear. "And you?"
I was a straightforward person, so instead of implying anything I answered, "I prefer to bottom, but I don't mind topping every now and then."
Wouldn't you know, the waiter chose that exact moment to return to the table carrying our dinner. I assumed that since there were so many diners to feed and limited menu options, that the kitchen had the food prepared and ready to go quickly.
Although the waiter appeared shocked at the overheard conversation, given his wide eyes, he blinked and recovered quickly. Acting as a pure professional, he placed our plates before us, told us to enjoy, and left us alone.
Without missing a beat, Hayes winked at me and replied, "Good to know." Is it? Hot damn!
Hayes cut into his food and popped a bite into his mouth. "How is it?" I asked, and he tipped his head back and forth.
"It's pretty good. I've never eaten duck before, but it tastes familiar." He chopped off another bite, and then held out his fork towards me. "What do you think?"
I leaned forward and slipped the meat between my lips. I chewed the slightly rubbery food and nodded; it did taste familiar. "It tastes like a hot dog," I concluded, and Hayes' eyes widened.
"That's it! I couldn't place it, but you're right; it totally tastes like hot dogs." He ate another bite and nodded again. "I feel kinda ripped off now. I wanted fancy food and got a weiner instead."