Page 114 of Hold Me Forever
“If you keep your rage in check, I will devote myself to you. You don’t even have to force me.”
He straightens himself up, drawing his face away from my chest. “You know I’ll always try.”
“You won’t have to go into therapy. We’ll work it out together. Do you agree?”
“There’s nothing I want more. Prove to me that you still love me.”
He lies on top of me, yanking my hand toward his crotch with a tight grip. My face wears disgust. Fearing the knife, I open my palm and feel his hard-on. I stroke it, pretending it’s not my hand, but I can’t deny that I’m holding the genitals of a man who repulses me.
He snarls. “Since when are you shy? Come on, grab it, scrunch it!” He forces my hand into his crotch.
Even a stranger would see through my lousy act, let alone Aidan.
“What has he done to you?” Aidan says. “Should I remind you how we did it?” He eyes my breasts, gritting his teeth, I’m sure he’s ready to attack my nipples.
But I have to throw my last chance at saving my dignity. “I have my period.”
His gaze narrows. He fusses with the fly of my jeans, undoing it and yanking the waistband down to my hips. Despite having a knack for enjoying me bleeding from the face, I know the man hates the blood coming out of my pussy. I have a few seconds to find out if his aversion remains.
Aidan’s lust slowly dissipates. “We have all the time in the world.”
He pulls my jeans back up and fastens the zipper. He blows out a breath as he watches my belly contract. “I never thought making you un-naked would get me hot.” His lust rushes back as he runs his fingers along Rob’s shirt collar with dirty grunts, like it’s some kind of sex toy to him. “Actually, having you wear that man’s shirt turns me on. It reminds me that you’ll always be mine, no matter who tries to claim you. Next time, I’ll rip that shirt open, and I swear I will devour you. Just like the old days, Amalia.” A quick kiss lands on my lips, and then he tugs himself away from me. “Next time.”
Suddenly my watch beeps. Ironically, I rue the fact that the battery is still alive.
Aidan’s gaze narrows. “What the hell is that?”
My heart freezes. The possibility of my horrible death is increasing fast.
My ex charges at me, pinning me down on the bed. He rips Rob’s shirt off me, revealing my bra—and inevitably, the smartwatch that I’ve been concealing. He snatches it.
“Check Mrs. J’s rabbit nose delivery.” He scoffs, reading what’s on the screen.
A reminder for Mrs. Jackson’s order. Offline, I’m sure, because there’s no way that the watch is connected to any network at the moment. We’re far offshore.
Aidan scrolls and taps at the watch interface. “I’ve forgotten how cute you are. But this—” He shoves the watch in my face, but then quickly withdraws it to continue tapping. “This isn’t cute! You called your stupid boyfriend when you were in Pine Valley? And you shared your location?” He stomps on it.
The cracking sound might as well have come from my bones.
With brute force, he drags me away from the bedroom, snapping a loop around my neck as if I was a dog. Once we arrive in the engine room, he slams me against one of the machinery units.
My scream halts as my chest bears the impact. It’s painful to breathe, let alone scream.
Aidan spreads my arms out, tying them to two aluminum poles. Now my chin is pinched by his rageful hand, forcing me to stare at his sailing knife. The green handle and the silver blade—he worships the weapon as if it was a talisman.
Rob, where are you…?
If I have to endure Lake Geneva again, I pray that my savior will get to me before Aidan completely destroys me.
“God, Amalia. You’re scared of the boat, but this?” Hetsks. “This is your real curse, isn’t it?” I squeeze my eyes shut as the cold of the metal touches my skin. My ex simpers. “Look at you!”
One swing, and I feel something on my chest. A bloody trench emerges from my scapula down to my cleavage.
“That was a warning,” he sputters.
I can only flinch. It still hurts too much to scream.
“Forget what I said earlier. Iwillhurt you whenever I want, Amalia.” He shows me a solitaire diamond ring, the exact engagement ring he showed me that night. “I’m not even gonna ask. You have no choice but to be mine.”