Page 122 of Hold Me Forever
Then I hear a soft moan coming from behind her oxygen mask.
“Amber-Rose? You awake?”
And another moan.
“Hey,” I say, smiling down at her.
“Rob…” This time I can hear her clearly, and her eyes slowly open.
“Hello, Amber-Rose,” I whisper her name.
Her other hand reaches up and pulls her mask down.
“No, take it easy.”
“I’m fine. I can breathe,” she says, a smile plastered on her face—a smile I’ve desperately wanted to see. And in that moment, I steal a kiss. Her lips might be chapped, but those are still the best lips I’ve ever tasted.
“Keep telling the story, Rob.” She fits the mask back on and closes her eyes.
I take the time to caress her face. “I held you for as long as I could. When we got to the pier, the police and paramedics were waiting. It was hard to let you go. So hard, it was almost impossible. There was a thumping inside me, telling me if I let go, you would let go too, and you’d give up.” I release a snort. “It was stupid. Of course you wouldn’t give up.”
Amber-Rose peels her lids open once again, shooting a bright gaze at me.
“You’re here with me now. You’re free, and that man will never touch you or terrorize you again. So, that’s the story of us.” I wipe my face as ribbons of tears overwhelm my cheeks.
She frees her mouth from the mask and says, “I love you.”
“I love you too, my little fighter.”
Then she turns to the seat next to me. “What’s Bjork doing here?”
I grin. “Matty thought he would cheer you up. He wrote a card, too. Let me read it to you.” I show her a card with a drawn teddy bear, which I’m sure is Matty’s creation. “Dear Amber, Bjork is here to help you. He is your doctor now. Please listen to him. Love, Matty.”
Amber-Rose takes a breath, stuttering a bit, but she manages to inhale fully. “So sweet…” she sighs. “You’ve done a great job being a big brother to him, and a parent.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
She squeezes me, a healthy squeeze for such a tiny hand. Her left shoulder rises, trying to shift position, but she stops. “Shhhooot…”
“Take it easy.”
“This is karma, right?” She looks at her side. “I wasn’t being gentle with you when you had your bruises. Oh well, you still have your bruises.”
“You are the gentlest creature in this whole world. And this is not karma.” I place my palm lightly on her side, where I know her bruise is. “You know, Amber-Rose, our story is just beginning.”
“I know.”
My eyes narrow, hinting that she’s missing my point. “You have no clue what I’m talking about, do you?”
She cocks her head.
I touch her belly, and her eyes gradually widen.
“We’re—” My voice quavers, and I almost fail to finish my sentence. “—we’re going to have a baby.”
“We are?”
I nod eagerly, trying to erase that small doubt she has on her face. Probably not doubt—it’s surprise beyond surprise. When I caress her belly, she opens her arms, inviting me to meet her. I lay on her, entrapping her in my arms, gently, calculated. I impose no pressure on any part of her body, but this is no less intimate than any other hug.