Page 79 of Cherish Me Forever
I complete his sentence with an ‘I know’ cock of my head.
“Jump in.” He gestures to me, staying cool as if telling me this is how things are going to run this morning—his way.
“I have to—”
“You have to pick up Raffi for basketball, I know.” He passes me a side smirk. “So that’ll give us… four hours, give or take?”
Now my heart is racing for a different reason: his newly revealed authority and his mysterious expression. I’m not glad to see him anymore—I’m stimulated!
I hop in with him. It did cross my mind that I was going to sneak in a couple of hours’ snooze this morning. But with this hunk smelling like testosterone sitting next to me, I’m as awake as an owl.
“I won’t be able to take you to the HQ this weekend as I promised, so I thought I’d make it up to you now.”
“You forgot you had another date?” I deadpan.
He laughs. “Yes, with a general.”
“A Navy general?”
“Air Force, actually. He used to be my commander.”
“I see. I thought Hartley Marine only did marine things.” I pause, remembering what he once said about his business. “Well, I guess sea and air navigations aren’t much different,” I state as if the idea was my own.
“You paid attention, huh?” He starts the car. “Diversification, baby. That’s the buzzword.”
“Whatever. I guess it’s lucky me. I get to see you three days early.”
“Trust me, itisyour lucky day.”
“So what are we doing?”
“Do you always have to know?”
His eyes are full of wants. I know I’ll get in trouble for not delivering to Don, but I can already smell Clayton’s plan, and hell, I’m not going to say no. I have three days till the end of the week, and I’ll sort out what I need to do then.
The destination of our drive isn’t as mind-blowing as I thought. Still, his Beverly Hills mansion resembles a fairytale despite the fact that Clayton is as real as a prince can be. Under the sun, the façade of his classic Californian stone mansion shines like a happy castle. The vibe is uplifting, although I still can’t fathom that only one adult and a boy live in it.
“Don’t you get lonely here?” I query as we make our way from the garage to the main house.
“Sometimes,” he concedes. “But on the flip side, I can do whatever the hell I want.”
With that, he kisses me, and like a magician, a long piece of cloth is in his hands.
“You know what you’re in for, aren’t you?” he whispers, very close to my ear.
My legs start to wobble. Worse still, my core starts pulsing. I bet US Mail has delivered my secret safely to him.
He places the silk cloth against my fluttering lids.
Darkness deprives you of your sense of sight, but I’ve never anticipated it would heighten my arousal as much as this.
Clayton guides me, leading me down a staircase, holding on to my waist securely. A gentle master, if I may say.
It’s warm in here, with a lavender smell everywhere. I think the scent comes from candles—a lot of candles.
We take a few steps, and then he stops, holding me in place. He grabs my right hand and then pulls it to stretch my arm wide, kissing the length of it as if it’s his treasure.
Next, I’m cuffed onto something, the same with my other hand. I’m not against a wall. In fact, I don’t think I’m near a wall at all. From the echoes of his footsteps and the chains hoisting my arms up, I think I’m placed in the middle of a room, a large room.