Page 19 of Rule Number Five
My heart rate spiked, and I had to swallow it down. “No, no. Like it’s funny between us, but there’s a whole lot of people who wouldn’t think it was funny.”
“Why do you thinkIthink it’s funny?”
Oh shit. “Don’t you?”
A muscle worked in his jaw. He didn’t look upset, but his eyes tracked mine. He was working something out in his head. “When I win this bet, I want your number,andyou need to come to a game.”
Oh, that was a bad idea. Something told me seeing him play was the last thing I should do. “I’m busy that night.”
His brows tugged together. “Doing what?”
“Watching the Bandits kick your ass on live TV.”
“You’re evil.” He patted his hands over his chest and abdomen and looked at his palms. “I must be bleeding with how hard you’re trying to kill me.”
“Stop being dramatic,” I said, smiling.
He leaned forward. His gray eyes were overtaken by the black of his pupils. “I’ll just have to win you over as a fan.”
I swallowed a shallow breath. “Good luck with that.”
He shifted closer. “I don’t need luck.”
“Why’s that?”
He was so close I could almost feel his breath. “I’m good at winning.”
I bit down on my bottom lip and locked my legs to stop myself from closing the distance. “And if I don’t? Become your biggest fan.”
He smirked. “I’ll tell Alex, and he’ll harass you until you do.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I looked away and took a sip of my coffee, finally freed from whatever magnet pulled us together.
“You excited about your internship?” he asked, keeping things light after the intensity of the last moment. Thank god.
I chewed on the side of my lip before answering. “Yeah, I really am. I’ve been working hard for this, you know?”
He smiled at me. “Nah, I know nothing about working hard.”
“Whatever. I’m sure you’ve had to work hard your whole life.” I was rambling now but couldn’t seem to stop. “I’d ask what you’re doing after graduation, but the entire school knows you’re going on to Boston.”
“Technically, it’s training camp first, then I start with the Bruins for preseason training.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
I asked another question, “What are you most excited about?”
“That’s a tough one. Probably the bigger arenas. I can’t explain the feeling of hearing the roar of the crowd.”
“I thought you were going to say the chicks.” Energy buzzed through me at his smirk.
“Oh, well, them too.”
“Thought so.” I ignored the slight twinge in my chest.
“How about you, Sid? Are you a secret volleyball star?”
I scrunched up my nose. “No. Sports were never my thing. My mom and I were always really into politics.”
“Is that what your mom does, then? Politician?”