Page 62 of Rule Number Five
She covered her face when she saw me. “Jesus, Jax, you can’t be here.”
I grinned, pulling the covers from her head, seeing her crimson cheeks. “And why’s that?”
She gave up trying to hide under her covers and sat against the headboard. “Mia told me everything you’ve been doing. Thank you.”
“You haven’t seen nothing yet.” I hauled out her soup and a little bun. “Ellie assured me herself this soup can cure anything that ails you.”
She moaned as she took the first sip, eyes closing, and hummed around her spoon. “So good.”
Glad she felt well enough to eat, I pulled my laptop from my bag. I was extra careful with my notes this morning. This was the second class she’d missed, and I didn’t want her freaking out.
“I stopped to get notes from all of your classes. A few of your professors had them available, but I cornered whoever looked the smartest for your others.”
I took advantage of my fame to get it done. I usually avoided doing that like the plague, but I was grateful for it this morning.
She let out a gasp, looking at all the notes, eyes wide, mouth open. “Jax, you didn’t have to.”
“Forget it. What arefriendsfor?” I elongated the word. “Feel up to watching some TV? The newHigh Tideepisode’s out.” Without waiting for her answer, I crawled onto the bed, careful not to spill her soup, and flicked on her TV.
When Sid finished with supper, I wrapped my arm around her and tucked her against my side, feeling her melt against me. She smiled at something happening in the show, but I wasn’t paying attention. This was precisely where I was meant to be.
Rain came down hard,drenching the sidewalk and everyone daring enough to go out in it. Unfortunately, that would be me in a second. I’d waited the last fifteen minutes in hope it would let up, but if anything, it rained more. It wasn’t a long walk to my house, but there was no way around getting soaked. I pulled my jacket collar up, disappointed that I’d just switched to my spring one. I was going to miss having a heavier coat once I was soaked through. There was nothing to be done now. I had to suck it up and get it over with. I took a deep breath and pushed through the doors just in time to see Jax’s black truck pull up.
He lowered his window, wearing his signature cocky smile.
“I thought you might need a ride.”
“We’re going to have to make a run for it,” Jax said, parking behind his place. Lightning crashed through the sky, and my body hummed in response. There was something exciting about a storm. I undid my seat belt, and Jax met my gaze with a sinister grin on his face. Eyes holding mine, he raised a finger, signaling between us.
We both burst out of the truck, racing to his house. Luckily, the door was unlocked, so we pushed our way inside. Laughter bubbled out of me while I gasped for breath. I looked over to Jax in his soaked-through clothes, and I knew I was the same. I froze when he stepped into me, eyes dark with need, and raised his hands to either side of my neck. My breath hitched as the rough pad of his thumb skimmed over my cheek and coaxed my head back. My eyes followed the water dripping from his hair down his face, and without warning, his mouth crashed over mine.
I moaned into his hungry, greedy kiss.
A playful grin tipped the corner of his mouth. “Last one to the shower buys dinner.”
He knocked me to the side, trying to get a head start, but I wrapped both hands around his middle, slowing him down until I could put one foot in front of him, racing up the stairs first. “Cheater.” His voice was raspy and full of laughter.
“Nuh-uh, you cheated first,” I shouted as I ran full speed through his room, charging into the bathroom. Our laughter echoed through the space as he followed me in. He came closer until my back touched the wall, and his hands tightened on my sides as he took my mouth in a searing kiss, sending warmth pooling between my thighs. My fists clenched his shirt, and I pulled him into me.
He groaned into my mouth and nipped my bottom lip. “Shower first. Don’t want you getting sick again.”
He kissed my nose and stepped back to turn the shower on. It was a large walk-in, almost double the width of a standard shower, with a rainfall showerhead. He faced me, and his soft gray eyes met mine as his hands slowly lifted my shirt off. My skin pebbled as his fingers grazed my stomach and skimmed the side of my breast as my shirt rose over my head.
His voice was rough. “Jesus,Sid, you’re fucking killing me.”
I waited for him to attack, but he dropped his mouth to the curve of my neck and placed gentle kisses there. A hum started in the back of my throat, and I lifted his shirt. “Take it off.”