Page 29 of Rules of the Game
These guys had been living together for the last year while going to university. Their house was bigger than I’d expected. Definitely had man cave vibes.
Leather couch.Check.
Giant TV.Check.
PlayStation, mini sticks, and a skate sharpener.Check.
The last one had more to do with them being hockey players than guys, but the place fit them perfectly. “Nice spot you have here.”
Jax’s eyes followed mine, taking in the space, before he replied, “Pretty sweet, right?” He smiled wide, catching my attention. He looked relaxed, but there was something in his smile that wasn’t quite right.
He handed me my mug, and we settled on the couch while the guys continued to put stuff away, occasionally glaring at Jax for skipping out on it, but he winked, then ignored them completely. We spent the next few minutes catching up on last year.
“How was your trip? Visit anywhere cool?” Jax asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
I’d worked the last few months, not that they’d know that. The official story was I wanted a year off to travel, but the only traveling I did was back and forth from the dump, hauling garbage for my landscaping job.
A tingle curling up my neck was the only warning before the loudthwapof clothes landed on the table beside me.
“Here.” Lucas’s voice came out harsh, and I glared at him.
My eyebrows raised, and my voice was sharp with sarcasm. “Thanks?”
“Ignore him,” Jax said loud enough to ensure Lucas heard him. “He’s a dickwad.”
Laughter bubbled up when he used my favorite insult. Unoriginal? Sure, but it had been working for me since I could pronounce it.
Lucas paused in his stride, flipping Jax off before disappearing behind his bedroom door.
“Bathroom’s the second door on the right.” Jax directed me to a small powder bath off the kitchen to change.
My reflection in the mirror showed the black mascara that had melted under my eyes and the way my honey-blonde hair was slicked to the side of my face. I really did look like a drowned rat.Ugh.
Quickly, I stripped out of my wet clothes. The fabric suctioned to my skin, and it was a fight to peel each layer off. My mood shifted as I thought about how ridiculous it was to stand out in the rain like that. I’d prepared for the moment I’d face Lucas again, allbe strong, and hold your ground. He didn’t have any power over me, no matter how hot he was. I should’ve pushed through the door, but I was so easily caught up in him.Who knew I was turning into an idiot?
I picked up a familiar worn-out black band T-shirt, pulled it over my head, and was quickly engulfed in the soft, thin fabric and the fresh scent of sandalwood and cinnamon. Memories threatened to pummel me, but I reminded myself that none of it mattered.
Because no matter what I thought was between us, he’d made it clear it stopped the night Marcus died.
I droppedmy head against my bedroom door and exhaled a long, slow breath from my nose. The fuck was she doing here?
Piper wasn’t supposed to be here until next week. I’d taken steps to fill every waking second of my schedule to keep my distance. Then she blew all my plans to hell by showing up soaking wet and staring at me with big, familiar blue eyes. I couldn’t look at her without thinking about Marcus.
The way his eyes had rounded with betrayal before he ran out of the house.
I’d been able to avoid her when we visited home, easily leaving the room whenever she showed up, and if our parents forced us together, I kept my distance, polite enough so that my dad wouldn’t comment but never letting the conversation turn serious—personal.
The lilt of Piper’s voice drifted through my door, and I lied to myself that I wasn’t listening to every word. She talked circles around Jax, avoiding any questions about what she was up to these past months. Did she see how messed up he was?
I rubbed my fingers into my eyes and dragged them over my head before slamming it back into solid wood.
Laughter filtered in, and I pushed off the wall, gathering my gym bag. I had to get the fuck out of here before she seeped back into me and I couldn’t get her out. I’d made the mistake before, and I wouldn’t do it again.
I caught a glimpse of Piper where she sat with her feet tucked under her on the couch. She had a Nintendo controller in her hands, and she was focused on the game. My gaze caught on where my shirt slipped down her shoulders as she lifted onto her knees, shouting at the TV. Her head started to turn toward me, as if she could feel my stare, and I snapped my focus forward.