Page 53 of Rules of the Game
I nodded and got into the box. The other guy shouted from his side, but I ignored him, focusing on the game. They scored again, and cheers came from beside me, causing me to grind my teeth. Fuck tonight.
The buzzer went off, marking the intermission for the third period. A quick glance at the clock showed me we were losing nine to two. It was a brutal way to start the season. I slammed my stick against the wall in the tunnel leading to the dressing room, and my coach grabbed me by the shoulder pad.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need to get your shit together. Three of those goals were scored on one of your shifts. You’re better than this.” He let go of me and stared me down. “Now, get into that dressing room and tell your team to turn it around.”
How the hell was I supposed to convince them to be positive when I didn’t believe it myself? I pulled my helmet off, tucking it under my arm, took a deep breath, and walked into the locker room. It smelled like stale sweat and Gatorade, and there was a low hum of voices. No one was happy with how things were going. “Listen. We played horrible out there. If you want to win this game, we’ve got to smarten the fuck up.” I ran my hand through my hair. I was horrible at this. “We’ve got this.”
I was met with half-assed grunts of approval, but I couldn’t expect much else after that speech. Sitting down beside Jax, I ignored his raised brow. There was no way I was getting into this with the nosey bastard.
He cleared his throat, and when I didn’t look his way, he shoved my shoulder. “What the hell is going on with you?”
“Nothing, just a bad game. It happens.” I clenched my teeth at the half-truth.
“It happens to other people. Not to you. Now, stop lying to me. What’s going on?” he insisted.
I took a deep breath and dropped my head back against the locker door. “Piper’s on a date.”
“What?” He jerked toward me, and his mouth hung open before curling at the corner. “You’re fucking jealous.”
Frustrated, I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “Yeah, I’m jealous.”
“I don’t know what your problem is, but you’re fucking things up with Piper, and youwillregret it.” His voice was stern, and I shifted my weight like I’d been scolded.
“Lay off, man. You don’t get it.”No one does.
“She’s not going to wait forever for you to figure out your shit.”
“That’s the point. I want her to move on.” I tipped my head back and looked at the ceiling, hiding the lie in my eyes.
“Keep telling yourself that. Maybe everyone else believes you, but I see the way you look at her. The way you’ve always looked at her.” His eyes softened. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. I know it all happened when Marcus died.” He took a long sip of his Gatorade. “It’s time for all of us to let go.”
I checkedmy phone and bit back a groan. It was the third period, and the Huskies just let in another two goals. For how much I loved the rustic, French atmosphere of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but wish we were in a sports bar. Instead, I was sneaking a look every few minutes.
“Something wrong?” Eric asked, peering where my hands were hidden.
My head snapped up from where I held my phone in my lap, and I pulled my lips between my teeth.Shit.“Everything’s fine. Sorry.”
“Piper. I know when a girl’s distracted. What are you looking at?”
“Promise not to be mad?” I pleaded.
“Well, that’s worrisome, but sure. Lay it on me.” Eric leaned forward, and I was struck by how cute he was. Why couldn’t I be interested in him? He was funny, smart, and clearly easygoing if you took into account he wasn’t mad that I’d practically ignored him on our date.
I let out my breath. “The Huskies are losing eleven to four. It’s brutal.”
“And you’re a fan of the Huskies?” He raised a brow.
I wrung my hands together. “Close friends of mine are players.”
He eyed me intently, scanning my face. “Is one of them the guy I met at your place?”
My cheeks heated, but I didn’t bother hiding it. “Yes.”
He nodded before asking, “Thought so. Is there history there?”