Page 8 of The CEO's Baby
“I wanted to explain about us,” he said, still leaning over a little.
He glanced at Cath.
She continued to eat. “It’s not necessary. I figured it out today when I saw you’re the new CEO. I have my own rules against dating fellow employees. You might have mentioned the reason at the time, however.”
She wouldn’t tell him how hurt she’d been, how confused. She’d taken weeks to get over him. For one haunting moment that morning she feared she wasn’t over him. But she knew there was nothing to do but go on.
Her focus now was totally on relocating to Brussels. The brief affair they’d enjoyed was relegated to bittersweet memories. The story of her life.
“There was a lot of secrecy around the transition,” he said. “Both at the company I was leaving as well as at Signals, Inc .”
“I know how to keep my mouth closed about secrets,” she said stiffly.
“It wasn’t my secret to keep,” he said. “But I wanted to make sure you knew that it wasn’t because I didn’t enjoy being with you.”
Cath felt a little spurt of happiness in his words. She wondered at the time if he’d tired of her. Or if that one night that had been so magical to her—hadn’t be so special for him.
She’d been totally swept away by the love they’d shared. Had he not stopped calling her, would she have convinced herself things could be different this time? Maybe she could find a man to love, who would love her.
She frowned at her wayward thoughts and concentrated on eating. The soup was delicious and so far she didn’t feel queasy.
“Thank you for clearing up the situation,” she said.
He laughed.
“I’ve missed that about you, the innate politeness. What have you been up to lately?”
He settled back in his chair, watching her eat. Mitzie strolled over to the sofa and leaped up, soon settled with paws beneath her.
Cath looked at him suspiciously as she reached for a roll. Taking her time to butter it slowly, she glanced at him again.
“Pretty much the same as I did before I met you. I go work, I go to the gym. Occasionally I hang out with friends. I don’t see you at the gym anymore.”
“Once I knew you worked at Signals, Inc. I stopped going. I’ll be starting up again now. Membership is part of my compensation package.”
He waited a beat, then said, “No special man?”
She almost responded but thought about it for a moment, shaking her head.
“That’s really not any of your business at this point is it?” she asked.
It sounded better than the truth, that she hadn’t even thought about seeing another man after him.
“Ouch,” he said with a grimace. “No, it’s not, but I’m curious.”
She shrugged.
“Thank you for bringing the soup. I’m feeling much better for eating it.”
He’d delivered the soup, seen that she ate it. Would he leave now? She wasn’t sure she wanted him to, but his staying would only lead her to regret the way things ended.
“You still see the doctor tomorrow?” he asked.
“Yes, boss.”
Trace rose and leaned over Cath, resting one hand on the back of her chair and one on the table.
“Don’t come into work until you’re completely well. Call and tell me what the doctor says.”