Page 93 of Love After Never
It almost seems like he’s waiting for something. What?
He glances over his shoulder, his face strained. He’s still distracted. Which means it’s my time to shine. I seize the opportunity, dropping the loosened ropes from around my arms and legs and falling out of the chair sideways. Toward the side where Gabriel tucked my gun into his pants. I manage to fumble it out from the waistband and train it on him in the next breath.
The chamber loading echoes through the vast space.
He slowly shifts to stare at me, unfazed.
“Don’t think I won’t do it.” Shit, my voice trembles. My fingers do the same. I’m always so steady but this man unnerves me. “I’ll fucking make you pay for what you did to me.”
“You think I’m clueless?” he says. “Who do you think untied the first knot?”
I tremble but keep the gun aimed directly at his head.
“Took you long enough to get the ropes off,” he comments.
“I was biding my time. Making sure I was in a better position to kill you.” I push myself to my feet without blinking. “Guess what? I managed.”
Gabriel sighs and he looks so much older than he is. “Then why haven’t you?”
My chest heaves. There’s only silence, me still pointing the gun at him and Gabriel risking everything to walk closer. I should do it. I need to do it. Shooting him is the only way for me to make it out of this situation intact. He didn’t hesitate to beat the shit out of me.
Unless that was just for show. He hit me, but loosened my bonds… That doesn’t make sense.
Why am I pausing now?
He stops advancing only when the muzzle presses to his chest, then he wraps a hand around my arm.
“I didn’t have a choice. We both would have been dead.Youwere my next hit. I didn’t want to tell you because I’ve been trying to find a way out of this for us.”
I want to believe the sincerity in his voice.
It’s just sowrong.
“You were going to kill me.”
He shakes his head, his chest shuddering with his next loud sigh. “Never, sweetheart. Never.”
My lower lip trembles along with my fingers, my voice. Crap. “I don’t care.” Now I sound like I’m going to cry. “Whatever you say, it’s all a lie. You’re a fucking liar and a murderer.”
I might even laugh if I didn’t think it would degrade into hysteria.
“If we play this right, we can both make it out of here alive.” He’s speaking so low I barely make out his words through the pounding of my heart. “Broderick isn’t going to let you have your freedom. Not you, not me. Now is the time to be fully honest with each other.”
“Stop looking at me like that.” I take a ragged inhale and gesture with the gun. Showing him I mean business when my insides are too shifty for me to be still. “Stop looking at me like you feel something for me.”
“You have to trust me,” he tells me carefully. Despite the risk, he reaches out for me with his free hand, cupping my face. His other arm bands around my waist so that the gun remains between us.
Something tickles at the back of my head, something he said earlier.Jade. Jade is the reason why all of this happened in the first place. “Is…Jade still alive?” I ask. “You went to the club today.”
It’s a simple thing.Yes.
And it’s time for me to start playing with the only currency Gabriel understands, no matter how my heart wishes it to be otherwise, because I’ve got to get out of here and change a yes to ano.
He’ll never let me go.
“Was it ever real?” I wonder out loud. “The feelings between us?”