Page 2 of The SongBird's Love
“Yes, sir. Ghost always completes their theft in less than half an hour, from the moment they appear in the Dark Reality until they go off the grid. They vanish as soon as the transaction is complete. No other hacker has been able to beat their record, even those who competed directly.”
The boss suddenly took a big breath in and stood up.
Everyone else in the room immediately lowered their heads, getting tense again. He slowly walked up to the screen, as if he could see better from up close. Squinting his eyes, he stared at that white silhouette.
“...Why can’t we get a better picture?”
“Th-they probably use some sort of jammer to prevent others from tracking them, sir. This is the best we’ve gotten in months... We are doing our best to get any information, but no one has been able to get any data. The age, size, race, and gender of Ghost are still completely unknown. The prices on the Black Market for any information are still high, but everything we’ve bought so far turned out to be fake...”
“Raise the price.”
He turned around, facing his men with his golden eyes shining dangerously. “Spare no means and no money to find Ghost. I want that hacker in my
office, dead or alive.” “Yes, sir.”
Dante brought the cigarette back to his mouth while most of his men used the occasion to leave the room in a hurry. He turned around, studying that picture again.
Ghost was going to be his, or die.
“Eden, no. No, no, hun.”
“Please,” she insisted. “You can’t do that to me. You said I’d be working at the tables tonight.”
“You’ll be working aroun’ the tables, just as a hostess,” he replied with his strong accent. “Sorry, honey, I ain’t letting ya take any customers tonight.”
“But I need the money! Jack, please!”
He sighed and turned around to look at that little piece of woman.
She was already dressed up in her brick-red dress and had put on some lipstick. Eden was almost ready, clumsily putting on the big jewelry pieces and following him barefoot into the waiting room. She was naturally pretty, but this old-fashioned look and those artificial curls didn’t really suit her.
“Eden, listen. I know what I said, and I know you need the cash, honey. But look, tonight’s bouncer is that idiot upstairs! What am I supposed to do? You know how bad that dummy is, right? And I got nobody else to take care of security inside, hun, nobody. You’re the only one who’s got the qualifications. Look at these chicks. Do ya think they’d lose a nail in a fight?”
Eden sighed, helplessly glancing around the room. All of her colleagues were busy getting ready, putting on their dresses, makeup, and jewelry, but she knew they all had an ear out for what was going on. Bella was sending her sorry looks in her mirror, and Xixi had been working on the same eyebrow for five minutes already. Sitting in front of the biggest mirror, Rose sighed loudly.
“Oh, just let it go and be happy, Eden. Be glad you don’t have to sell your ass tonight...”
Eden glared back at her, but the two women remained quiet as Jack shook his head. He put a hand on her shoulder, adjusting one of her blonde curls.
“Hun, I’m sorry. I’ll look for someone as soon as possible, but you know it’s getting harder to hire staff around this block. If their stupid system allowed you to take on both jobs at the same time, swear to God I would totally put you on, honey.”
“What about Dally?” asked Xixi with her chirpy voice.
“That idiot’s brother got killed two weeks ago... and how about you chicks mind your own goddamn business!”
“Another murder?” said Rose, frowning and ignoring Jack’s anger. “What the heck?”
The bar owner turned toward the ladies, crossing his big muscular arms. It would have been a bit more intimidating if they all didn’t know him too well and if he wasn’t wearing a turquoise, fitted dress and pink wig.
“You bunch of little...”
“What is Old Man Long doing?” asked Eden, getting a bit worried too.
Jack rolled his eyes. The girls barely got along, except when they were all ganging up against him. He sighed and gave up on his attempt at showing his authority.
“Bella babe, please help Eden do something about that shitty foundation she’s got on. Girl, that contouring makes your nose too thin again.”