Page 22 of The SongBird's Love
A bright smile appeared on Eden’s lips.
“Hi, Mom. How are you?”
“I’m fine! I’m at the restaurant with my friends! What about you, my baby? Are you alright? Your voice sounds different...”
“I’m great, Mom. I... Mom, I got two puppies.”
“Oh, really? You always loved dogs. Eden, dear, you need to show me a picture of them! They must be so cute! What names did you pick for them, darling?”
“B... Berry and Bob,” lied Eden, biting her lip.
“Berry and Bob? Oh, that is so funny! You should tell your dad!”
Eden’s smile faded a bit, but she nodded.
“...I will, Mom. Are you okay? Are you eating well?”
“Of course! The food here is amazing, you should come! The restaurant’s name is... What is it again...”
“It’s alright, Mom. I’m sure you’ll remember soon.”
“No, no, wait! I’ll ask the waitress! Miss! Miss, what is the name of this restaurant?”
Eden waited, a bit nervous.
“Yes, it’s my Eden on the phone, my little girl! She’s already twelve years old, can you believe that? Those children, they grow so fast! Anyway, darling, how are you?”
“I’m fine, Mom.”
“Oh, really? Anyway! My friend, she was telling me, uh... What was she telling me again? Oh, never mind. But baby, we are at that restaurant, it’s amazing! You... Where are you, Eden?”
“I’m okay, Mom, I’m... I’m at school.”
“Oh, that’s right! I’m so silly! When do I need to come and get you?”
“No, no, Mom, it’s okay. I’ll go home alone.”
“What? What do you mean alone, of course I’m not letting my little girl go home alone! I’m coming! I’m coming! Wait, wait, where is my bag again...”
“No, no, Mom, it’s fine! I... I’ll ask Dad to come.”
As her mom suddenly went silent, Eden sighed, rubbing her eyelids.
“It’s alright, Mom.”
“Yes... Yes, your dad... Uh... Excuse me, miss, where is this? Have you seen my bag? I need my bag, for... uh...”
“Mom, it’s okay, you don’t need your bag. Just... just sit down with your friends.”
“Oh, Eden! How are you, my baby?”
“I’m fine, Mom.”
The conversation went on again, but Eden had a little knot in her heart. It was hard to lie and pretend, making sure her mother wouldn’t get too worked up. After a short while, she managed to have her hang up calmly and let out a long sigh of relief.
Once her mother’s voice was gone, she suddenly felt a wave of loneliness in this little square room. She glanced at the puppies, sleeping like everything was alright in this world. Eden smiled a bit, looking at their cute little sleeping faces. She took a deep breath and put the picture back. Every time Eden heard her mother’s voice, there were mixed feelings. She was more certain of her decisions, and at the same time, she had regrets. She wished she could go back in time, to when her mother could still be with her, take care of her.