Page 24 of The SongBird's Love
“The Eagle is so going to have them killed anyway,” sighed Lula. “They are very riled up. Someone killed three of them yesterday.”
Eden froze. She tried to hide it, petting Bullet.
“Yes, so ugly! They found three of their boys in some garbage alley, all dead. I hope it wasn’t one of the Rat’s; we really don’t need more fights… It’s close to your block, actually! Didn’t you hear anything?”
“Not really.”
Eden was used to lying.
Covering her identity and keeping a low profile at all times, lying had become her main survival tool. Lula didn’t even know Eden lived in that very building, and she had no idea she could kill so easily. To the girls at the bar, Eden was just a Part with better reflexes than most and a few good fighting moves.
“Oh, well. To be honest, even if my brothers work for them, I don’t really like the Eagle anyway… I’d rather live with the Italians or the Dragon. At least it’s more peaceful there… Oh well, I was born in the wrong family for that.”
Lula was a chatterbox, and Eden was fine with listening to her. The whole trip felt even shorter as she only had to nod and answer a little bit. Eden got along fine with all the girls that worked at the club, mostly because she was among the quietest ones herself. There were many catfights between the girls, as the rivalry was strong amongst them, but Eden was less popular and rarely involved. If one did arise, she would usually be the one to stop them.
They arrived early at the club, and only June and Bella were already there. The girls all greeted each other, and there was excitement about the puppies. Letting Beer and Bullet become the main attraction for a little while, Eden let them loose in the changing room. She and Lula grabbed their dresses before sitting in front of the mirrors, beginning their preparation.
“What are those?!” exclaimed Jack.
The girls laughed at his baffled expression. At Jack’s feet, Beer was sitting and looking up at the large male figure, a curious expression on, while Bullet was still busy exploring the place.
“Those are my dogs,” simply said Eden.
“Since when do you have dogs, and since when do you bring them here?!”
“Come on, Jacquie, they are so cute!” exclaimed June, grabbing Beer to show the puppy to her.
“I don’t care that they are cute; this is a club, not a damn pet store! Eden!”
“Oh, please, Jacquie! We can take turns watching them!” insisted Lula, trying to pout cutely.
“…What’s the ruckus all about?”
Just as Jack opened her mouth, they all turned their heads toward the entrance. Rose was standing there with her bag. Jack frowned.
“Girl, you ain’t on the schedule tonight,” he said.
“I put myself on it,” retorted Rose.
However, the redhead ignored them, walked up to the largest mirror, and loudly dropped her bag on her table. June and Lula exchanged a glance, but Rose started brushing her hair and opening her jewelry box as if everything was fine.
“Rose, what the heck?” repeated Jack, putting his fists on his hips. “I ain’t payin’ ya, girl!”
“Don’t worry. I have a hunch I’ll make a lot of money tonight anyway.”
With her happy tune and the way she was picking out her prettiest jewelry, Eden understood right away. Some big fish was coming. Rose had a very strange talent for telling when someone with a heavy wallet would come to the club that night.
“But tonight was… Dalilah’s…”
“Oh, tell that damn bitch to go home, Jack,” said Rose, suddenly angry. “I’m taking over her shift tonight.”
“You little bitches don’t decide on the schedule!” roared Jack. “Who is coming, anyway? Like, what the hell, Rose!”
Yet, she ignored Jacquie, humming in front of her mirror and putting on her sexiest makeup. It had to be someone big. After a while, Jacquie rolled her eyes and went back upstairs. Eden said nothing, though. At least, he had forgotten about the pups…