Page 67 of The SongBird's Love
For a few seconds, he didn’t add anything and took another sip of his Prosecco.
“...Why are you mad all of a sudden?”
“I’m not mad.”
“You obviously are.”
“You annoy me with all your questions,” she retorted. “You keep making me talk.”
“That’s what people usually do on a date. They eat nice food, enjoy wine, and chat...”
“This isn’t a date, and you’re just fishing for information.”
“Well, at least you thought the food was good. Thanks for the compliment. I wish you liked the conversation with me just as much.”
Eden let out a long sigh, completely exhausted by that discussion with him. She knew she was acting more wary than necessary, but... he was always looking for a way to pull her strings, and she didn’t like that. Eden hated opening herself to anyone. She clung to her secrets as if they were her lifeline, and they probably were. Yet, Dante De Luca was slowly sneaking his way in, making her lower her defenses and talk before she could think.
She uncrossed her arms and shrugged.
“Fine, then. I’ll sing. What do you want me to sing?”
“Anything you want,” said Dante. “I like your voice, I don’t care much about the song itself.”
Another compliment. Eden blushed. She took a deep breath and tried to think of a song that wouldn’t be too... sensual. After thinking for a few seconds, she thought she had the perfect song in mind, and opened her lips to sing.
It was a slow and deep song. Dante took a few seconds to enjoy her voice, how she put each emotion just in the right place without overdoing it. He didn’t pay much attention to the lyrics of the song, at first. It matched the piano in the background, although it wasn’t made for it. It was a song she could have sung without any accompaniment. He didn’t recognize it, but then again, he didn’t listen to music that had lyrics, usually. Eden’s voice was unique. It could be surprisingly deep at times, and yet she hit each high note easily. It was clear and mesmerizing. He didn’t even touch his wine while he was listening. He could only see Eden, hear Eden. It took him a few more seconds to understand the meaning of the song she had chosen very purposefully, it seemed. A song about a little songbird who wanted to leave her cage. He quickly understood there were two voices in that song, one that wasn’t the songbird, but someone offering the songbird a deal... probably the devil. It was a sad song, where the songbird was tricked, but still clung to hope. Dante thought this song didn’t match Eden. She didn’t seem the type to have hope at all, or certainly not one to make a deal with the devil...
When she finished, he smiled. He could tell Eden liked to sing. It seemed like she had completely forgotten his existence while she sang and only returned to the room after the last note. He took her glass and poured some more wine. Dante stood and slowly walked up to her, bringing her the cup. Eden was flustered by his approach, but she did not back away. Her cheeks, a bit pink, were cute. She tried to endure his stare, but her hazel eyes soon went down to the cup, unable to hold his gaze any longer.
“Thank you for the song,” he said softly.
Eden nodded. Maybe it was from the singing, but her throat was strangely tight again. She took the glass and turned her head to drink. She tried not to drink too fast, but she really was thirsty. She could feel the alcohol rush in, leaving a sweet taste on her tongue. That glass was emptied quickly and soon, she had nothing else with which to keep her eyes busy.
Moreover, Dante was... close, dangerously close, and facing her this time. It was even harder to breathe, and she could barely glance away.
“D-do you want another,” she asked, more softly than she had intended, “or...”
“No,” he said. “I think that was enough for tonight.”
“Okay. Th-then...”
Then what? Eden couldn’t properly think of what to say next. He was close... his musky scent was getting to her, making her dizzier than that rosé. She tried to control her senses, but Dante’s heat was just there, an inch away from her, and hard to ignore. She couldn’t move, she wasn’t sure her body was ready to. Eden had no idea what to do from then on. He was just there, so close, a smile on his lips and his hands in his pockets. What did he want? Why was he standing so close to her? She just couldn’t think straight.
When that silence went on for a bit too long, she slowly turned to him, ready to cross his stare again. She thought she was prepared, but his golden irises caught her. She was mesmerized by the majestic glow, and couldn’t look away. She felt her heart miss a beat, and start again, too fast; her stomach filled with a mix of ice and fire. Her skin reacting, her hair standing up, all of her body on edge. Dante smiled, and it made something melt inside.
Suddenly, his hand wasn’t in his pocket anymore; his fingers were gently grabbing her chin, and Eden didn’t think of pushing them away. She didn’t think of anything, but those lips that were coming close, so close, too close... Very softly, Dante’s lips pressed against hers, ever so gently. Eden felt it through her whole body. She opened her mouth slightly without thinking, and his lips pressed again. Another kiss. Eden’s heart went wild, and finally, something in her snapped. When he kissed her again, she reacted. She closed her eyes, wrapped her hands around his neck, and gave in.
Eden had been kissed before, but never like that. There was some wild, untamed passion in that kiss that she couldn’t part with. It was a kiss full of desire, without any shame or restraint. Their experimenting lips were touching for the first time, and it was just incredibly good. Like a match made in heaven... or the lower depths of hell. Eden couldn’t process what was going on, and truth be told, she didn’t want to. Her desire kicked in, took over, and guided her movements. Her fingertips brushed on his hairline, discovering the lines of his neck and the touch of his skin. She just couldn’t stop. Neither of them could bear to. Where did all this passion come from? It was as if a long-built desire had suddenly been crystalized in that one kiss. Both of them were completely at a loss as to why this was so good. Why did it feel like that kiss had been waiting forever to happen? It was a spark of passion that had been ignited from the first time their eyes met. And now, the fire was rapidly growing out of control. From her chin, his fingers quickly went down to her back, wrapping her in his arms, trapping her in his embrace. They could hear the sounds of their kiss, their confused breathing, their lips missing each second they parted. It was a kiss only a few have experienced, and neither wanted it to stop. The alcohol wasn’t guilty for their drunkenness, nor the heat that solely came from their bodies.
The sound of shattering glass stopped them. Out of breath, their lips separated, and they finally looked at each other, a bit confused. Even Dante was frowning a bit, looking bewildered. Eden blushed, realizing what had just happened. She hadn’t just given in, she had literally jumped in feet first! Several emotions flashed in her mind, but she couldn’t decide on one to focus on. Anger, frustration, confusion, happiness, desire, angst, fear... There was just too much, and her heart was beating too fast. The only rational decision she could make was to take her hand off his neck as if it could erase her previous gestures. She was about to step back, but he grabbed her wrist firmly.
“Don’t move!” he said. “The glass...”
She finally glanced down at the shattered glass under her feet and immediately answered him with a glare.
“I have metal feet,” she hissed. “It’s fine.”
“Not if you damage it.”