Page 70 of The SongBird's Love
“Leave my dogs the fuck alone,” she frowned.
Dante chuckled.
“I meant that they are noisy, Eden. They sleep in the same room as you, but it doesn’t wake you up, does it? Because you trust these pups. You know they are harmless and hence, your subconscious does too. Since you don’t see them as a danger, you can sleep with them in the room.”
He suddenly stood, putting his hands in his pockets and coming forward.
“You could learn to trust me too,” he said, approaching her.
Eden wondered if it was too late to run away. Not because she was scared of him, but because she was starting to genuinely fear what Dante De Luca was awakening in her. She had never been kissed like that, and she had never let a kiss affect her like that. She had never lost control. She had never blushed so much in her whole existence as she had done in the two or three days she had known that man. It just... didn’t make sense to her. It was as if all the survival instincts she had relied on until now were all suddenly failing her, in Dante’s favor. Eden wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore and she didn’t trust her own judgment either.
“Unlike my dogs, I wouldn’t call you harmless,” she said.
“Fair point. But I’m not a danger to you.”
“How many bullets did I have in my body again?”
“I didn’t shoot any of those.”
“You tried to use me as a fucking shield.”
“You acted as one. And I healed you.”
“You put in a fucking tracking device instead.”
“It didn’t harm you.”
“I wouldn’t be here either if it wasn’t for it!”
Dante tilted his head.
“...And what’s so bad about being here? I gave you a suite, clean clothes, hot water, and a bed with fresh sheets. Food for your dogs too. I even cooked you a nice dinner and kissed you... a kiss we both enjoyed.”
“Maybe it will work with your next mistress, then,” Eden shrugged.
“I don’t have another woman waiting in line,” he chuckled.
She rolled her eyes. She wasn’t blind. Dante was handsome, dangerous, rich, and powerful. A deadly combo for any member of the female population. There was no way a man like him didn’t attract women like moths attracted to a flame. Even smart women like Rose were literally at his feet.
“Didn’t you pretend you can’t sleep alone? Who was your cuddle buddy then? I don’t see Rolf fitting in your bed. I doubt George is your type either.”
“Indeed, I don’t sleep well alone,” he said, “and sex somewhat helps.”
“Then call one of your whores!”
“I don’t want any of them anymore,” he said. “I want you, or no one.”
Eden was getting tired of this. He had her dancing in his palm while playing with her feelings. She didn’t want to give in. She knew she was just so stubborn, but she couldn’t. She was afraid of how deep she’d fall if she made just one wrong step. She crossed her arms and turned her back on him. Each of his movements was like a honey trap she wanted to glue herself onto. Her lips were still hot from that kiss, and every time his body moved closer, her whole body was reacting to it like a junkie needing her fix. It was horrible. She couldn’t even tell why she was resisting him, what she was holding onto, but she felt it was important.
“...I’ve never cooked for anyone before.”
She turned to him, taken by surprise. Dante shrugged, his golden eyes going around the room.
“I’ve never let a woman in here either,” he said.
He took one step closer, and Eden didn’t step back.