Page 87 of The SongBird's Love
“...Loir?” she whispered, unsure.
“Sorry, Kitty, I can’t look, that thing is too scary for me!”
Eden rolled her eyes. Did he really have to play the chicken now? Moreover, the steps behind her were getting closer and louder. From the rhythm, she could tell it wasn’t human. She had no idea what the cleaner looked like, maybe the boogeyman, but she was set on not looking and not showing any fear either. This was part of her experience and training from years and years of Diving into the Core’s System illegally. However, as she was almost at the... mouth, Eden hesitated. Was it really fine to go in there? It was pitch black, and she couldn’t see what was behind...
“Walk inside,” suddenly said a much calmer, deeper voice.
Eden blushed a little but nodded and entered. Everything was completely dark. However, to her surprise, Dante’s voice kept guiding her without an ounce of hesitation.
“On your left, a bit... Walk about a dozen steps, then take a right. There... Stop. You’ll feel steps. Try going down slowly.”
Eden nodded.
The room was completely dark and she could no longer hear the boogeyman behind her. Only Dante’s voice cut through, guiding her very precisely. Eden didn’t even have to think, she just took step after step, focusing only on his voice, her confidence in him unwavering.
“Now, stop there. Turn to your right and you should be able to take five steps... Alright. You’re doing great. Now, there are steps right in front of you, very narrow, and they’re going up. No, no ramp, so go very slowly.”
Eden could almost feel the emptiness next to her but she simply listened to his voice and climbed those stairs slowly. She was glad the room was dark, because once again, she found herself blushing uncontrollably. She could control her fear but why was there no switch for the emotions Dante gave her...?
“Alright, two more and stop. Now, if you extend your arm, you’ve got a door right in front of you.”
Eden nodded and with her hands, quickly found said door and its handle. She tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge.
“It’s not opening! Is there a key I missed or something? Loir!”
“Oh, you know I’m still here? Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt the naughty whispery moment between you two...”
“Loir!” she roared, annoyed.
“You two Kitties are just so cute together!”
“There’s a switch, by the way, for the lights.”
Eden opened her mouth and just then, the lights went on, letting her see where she was. She closed her eyes, annoyed. She should have known there was no way all the allowed visitors had to do that much walking in the dark... Loir probably had the switch on his side of the code all along, and he had just…
She crossed her arms.
“Loir, open the fucking door. Now.”
“Coming right up, my purriest Kitty!”
Indeed, she heard several clicks behind the door, and it finally opened.
The change in lighting blinded Eden for a second. She squinted her eyes and stepped in. This looked like the inside of a very, very big building. A square one but with a hole in its center. Eden approached that hole in the middle, the balcony letting her see all the way down to the lower floors. She looked up and in the same way, there were dozens of floors above with all the same mapping.
“Congratulations, Kitty, we made it! Damn, that was easier than I thought. Oh well, not going to complain. Plus, we’re not done yet.”
“What now?” asked Dante.
“Now, our favorite Kitty has to find the tasty information... Wait, what are we looking for again?”
“Anything the Core wants to hide from us,” retorted Eden, beginning to walk.
“Damn, I should have ordered popcorn... or another pizza,” sighed Loir. “Anyway, you can get upstairs, Kitty.”
“Isn’t she going to stand out?”