Page 4 of Stealing the Dancer
“I’m thinking pink and gold.”
“I love pink,” I say, my mood starting to lift.
“You don’t say,” she teases me, because everyone knows I do.
If I ever get an option to pick a color, it’s always pink.Not a bright one, either.Soft, petal pink like the roses I plant in the garden.Planted,I remind myself, and a pang of sadness fills me again.
“I’m going to have your eye shadow match those shoes and sprinkle you in gold.You always remind me of a little fairy flitting around the bar serving drinks.”She’s probably right, because I’m tiny compared to everyone else.
All the girls wear heels but me.You’d think someone who can stand on their toes would be able to wear heels, but they don’t feel right on my feet.I tried it for a few days because I didn’t have an option since Stowe wasn’t going to let me run around in sneakers.Then Quinn found pink flats that reminded me of ballet shoes except the ribbon wraps higher up my calf and ties in the back to make them sexier.
“You want to talk about it?”Hartley asks a few minutes into doing my makeup.Now that I’m nice and trapped in the seat.She knew what she was doing, and for the first time I actually answer with the truth.
“Is it weird to run from something and then miss it too?”
“No.”Hartley shakes her head.“It’s normal to miss something that was a big part of your life.”Her eyes narrow.“We’re not talking about an ex, right?”
“No,” I tell her for the millionth time because that’s what everyone always thinks.A few of the girls have tried to get me to spill my secrets, but it isn't as big as they are building it up in their heads.Most of them don’t pry at all because they don’t want anyone doing it to them.
“Shake it up some.Don’t let yourself sink too deep, babe.I know you miss Quinn, but people come and go.You have to find something that’s yours.”
What is mine?Dancing?“Like a person?”I say because that’s what comes rushing forward in my mind.
“Maybe.”Her nose scrunches.“Just not around here.”I fight a laugh and try not to move too much so I don’t mess up her work.“Almost done.”I part my lips for her when she brings a glossy brush to my mouth.
“Whit.”I hear my name called loudly before Stowe comes bursting in through the door.It took me a few weeks to get used to seeing everyone naked all the time, but none of the girls getting ready pay him any attention.“My office.”
“What?”Oh crap.Am I about to be fired?
“Office,” he repeats before he narrows his eyes on my face.“Come on.”He motions for me to get up.
Quickly glancing at the mirror, I see Hartley really has made me look a little bit like a fairy.Gold flecks sparkle on my cheeks lightly, and I love how she’s lined my eyes.Giving her a quick thanks, I do as I’m told and hurry to follow Stowe.His office is right beside where everyone gets ready, so when I walk in, he closes the door behind us.
Stowe and Quinn had a weird relationship.She would go toe to toe with him, but she knew he would never fire her.She and Hartley pulled a huge crowd, but now that she’s gone, is he going to fire me?
“I need you to dance.”
“What?”I’m not sure if that’s worse or better than being fired.Then again, if I say no, I might get fired.
“Not on the stage,” he corrects, and I let out a small sigh of relief.“Private.”
My stomach tightens.“I can’t.”
“Six grand,” he says, and my mouth falls open.
Could this be the same person from before that Quinn mentioned?What if he’s come back and upped his offer?
“It’s just a dance.”He sits on the edge of his desk and levels me with a stare.
“I…ah…” I wring my fingers together, terrified to do this.
“I gave you a job when I really shouldn’t have.I don’t even know if you’re fucking legal.”
“I am!”I blurt out.I’m old enough to drink but only by a little so I keep that to myself.
“I could get shut down.One dance is all I’m asking for.”
“One?”I stare up at Stowe.He’s around my father’s age but wears suits my father wouldn’t wipe his ass with.