Page 30 of Room Five: What You Can't See
Dante narrows his eyes while Leonardo paces on the other side of the room. Dante’s voice is curious, “Why did you get in a fight?”
“She confronted me about a deal we did with Martinez,” Mateo’s voice is monotone. “I’m sure you understand it’s not easy being questioned about certain things, including business.”
Dante makes a humming sound which is noncommittal at best. “Who you choose to do business with says a lot about the character of a man,” he throws out there and Mateo’s jaw clenches.
“Doing business with Martinez wasn’t my first choice, but his money is just as green as the next man’s money, and we had the product he wanted.” Mateo doesn’t use the words as an excuse, more like an explanation.
“Yes, the guns you got from Orlov.” Dante watches Mateo closely as he continues, “A relationship Elio Agosti set up for you.”
To my brother’s credit, he doesn’t flinch and doesn’t seem surprised that Dante has this information. He simply shrugs as if to sayit’s business.
Which it is.
“Can we get back on track,” my impatience is running over.
“On track being Viola.” I nod even though Dante doesn’t phrase it like a question. “Martinez called and informed me he has something valuable in his possession. Our sister.” I swear Leonardo is about to lose his shit. Rocco is too fucking calm, and Giovanni could go either way, it’s hard to get a read on him. “He informed us Viola was part of the deal you made with him.”
“She was never part of any deal,” Mateo snarls. “Martinez grabbed her today. Then he called us and said he wants his money returned to him from the deal we made. I informed him we don’t do returns.”
Dante nods slowly. “He didn’t want to give back the guns, just have the money returned to him. I’m sure.”
“Yes,” Mateo pushes out through clenched teeth.
“This is what happens when you deal with certain people. People who can’t be trusted.” Dante stares at my brother for a few seconds to allow the weight of his words to sink in.
“I say we just kill them and then go and get our sister,” Leonardo stops his pacing long enough to lob the threat into the silence of the room. “We have allies. The Saints can help us make it a smooth grab.”
Dante ignores his brother as his eyes move over to meet mine. “What are your intentions with our sister?”
“She’s ours,” I answer without hesitation. “I’m not going to pretend it’ll be easy. Our families haven’t been on the best of terms for years, but I’m not going to let anyone stand in the way of making Viola happy. She belongs with us.”
Rocco speaks for the first time, his voice holding no judgement, just curiosity, “All of you?”
“All of us,” Marco confirms.
“She’s our sister,” Leonardo is seething.
I can feel the anger coming off Dante, but it’s hard to determine why he’s mad. Not that he doesn’t have cause, but there’s almost too many options.
The lies—Viola’s and ours.
The implication that his sister has been sleeping with the enemy, or anyone for that matter.
The secrets—which are never appreciated in a family where the backbone is loyalty.
The fact that Viola was taken at all and now we’re being played against each other.
So many reasons to be pissed and I’m starting to struggle with just standing here instead of being out there to get our woman back.
“We’ll tear this city apart to find our woman,” Mateo growls.
“Seems like she doesn’t even know she’s your woman considering how you treated her, which is of your own admission,” Dante fires back.
Mateo’s head falls back on his shoulders and his eyes slide closed as he absorbs the man’s words. They must be hard to hear, true, but they are necessary. When his head tips forward, there is determination in my brother’s eyes. The fact that his drive isn’t focused on power and being better than the man sitting in front of us is a miracle; it gives me hope.
“I can’t make it up to her until we go and get her.” The silence stretches within the room like a tiger, their claws reaching out and ripping into the flesh of my chest, going deeper and deeper with every second because I have no idea what is happening to the woman who is my heart, our heart. “I can’t wait around here any longer. We’re going to go and find her,” Mateo’s voice doesn’t leave a lot of room for argument.
My eldest brother turns on his heels and starts to head out of the office, but Dante’s voice stops him, “Do you even know where she is?”