Page 10 of I Saved Him Too
Carter clears his throat. “One of our officers saw movement at the back of the warehouse. We heard gunshots, and by the time we got to him, he was fading away but not before he told us about the two men who escaped.”
“What the fuck! And you didn’t catch them?” I stand up from my seat, pulling on the cuffs. Panic starts to form deep in my gut. If these guys were at the warehouse, then they could be after Shorty.
Goddamnit to hell.
“Sit down!” Douchebag snaps.
“Davis,” Carter warns his partner, then turns to me. “Seb, please sit down.”
Without saying a word, I do as I’m told because Carter is good people.
“By the time we had other officers search the area, they were long gone. We were hoping you would help us out.”
“We only saw four guys when we entered the building. We didn’t see anyone else,” I say to Carter.
Carter pulls out mugshots from the file and lays them in front of me. “We know for a fact these guys run with Frankie and Christian. Do any of them look familiar?”
I slide the photos closer and notice six of the faces have a black X marked over them. I’m assuming that means they’re dead since four of the six are the ones we took out. I glance at each unmarked picture but don’t recognize the two men.
I shake my head and slide the photos back to Carter. “No, I don’t know who these guys are,” I say.
Carter nods.
“That’s bullshit. You’re related to two of these men, for Christ’s sake,” Davis spits pointing to the photo.
“No, it’s not bullshit. I’m not a fucking gangbanger asshole. Just because we’re related by blood doesn’t mean shit. Myrealfamily is lying in a fucking hospital bed fighting for their goddamn lives. You don’t know shit about me, so don’t assume otherwise.”
“Oh, but I do know you,” Davis says with a sneer.
“Davis, stand down,” Carter warns.
“You don’t think I read your rap sheet?” Davis pulls a document from the file and reads it to me. “Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, vandalism, probation violation, and…attempted rape.”
He tosses the document toward me.
“I was cleared of that charge,” I hiss. “She was a cracked-out whore looking for a dick to suck in exchange for drugs. When I told her to fuck off, she cried rape.”
“And now murder will be added to the list.”
I throw my head back and laugh. “Seriously?” Leaning forward, I glare back at Davis, trying to control the urge to rip the fucker’s head off his body.
“It was self-defense. So go fuck yourself.” I lean back and grin.
Davis’s eyes burn with rage, nostrils flared. He looks like a rabid hellhound, waiting to be unleashed. I keep my eyes on him, not showing him how much his arrogance and bullshit are affecting me.
“How did you know Frankie would be at the factory? Huh?”
I remain silent.
He scratches his chin. “Did you give the girls up to trap him?”
“Davis…” Carter says with a threatening tone.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I sneer, but the asshole just smiles.
He fucking smiles.
A wave of violent fury rises inside me.