Page 29 of I Saved Him Too
She looks up at the sound of my voice, and that’s when I see it. She carried the weight of the world, not just for her daughter but for me, Josiah, and Sophia.
“Oh, my boy.” Abuela sobs, and it breaks my heart to hear the pain in her cries.
I can no longer hold back my tears. Losing my brother is like a broken bone—the pain unbearable and unrelenting.
Suddenly, I’m swallowed up in Abuela’s embrace as we find comfort in each other. I hold onto her and allow myself to fall apart, letting her know she’s not alone.
“You’re going to be ok, mija,” Abuela says despite the crack in her voice; she has never sounded more serious. “I love you so much. Everything is going to be okay, te lo prometo.”
* * *
Nurse Abbey pops her head through the crack in the door, the end of her ponytail draped over her shoulder.
“How’s my favorite patient?” She smiles and walks into the room, pushing the mobile vitals monitor toward the bed.
“I’m fine.” I pull the bed sheet closer to my chest.
Abuela scoffs.
“Well, that’s good.” Abbey wraps the blood pressure cuff around my bicep and presses the start button.
“Your fever is gone, and your color is coming back.” After Abbey finishes taking my vitals and temperature, she tells me everything looks good and says, “Your boyfriend has been trying to see you.”
“Boyfriend?” I raise a brow at her.
Abbey looks back at me. “Yeah, your boyfriend. I don’t remember high school guys looking that hot in my day.” She dramatically fans her face with the clipboard and winks at me.
“He’s been sitting outside your door since last night.” She smiles. I give her a nod and she walks over to the door to let him in. My breath catches in my throat when I see how yummy he looks.
He’s wearing a fitted gray hoodie that outlines the muscles in his arms and chest, black joggers, and a pair of white Nikes. He walks further into the room and has his hands tucked into his pant pockets. The look on his face makes me want to cry. His skin is pale with dark circles underneath his eyes like he hasn’t slept or eaten in the last twenty-four hours.
“Hey,” he says quietly but it still sends shivers down my spine.
“I’m going to go now to give you some alone time.” Abuela stands up and leans over to give me a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” I give her a hug before she steps away and leaves the room but not before she gives Donnie a kiss on his cheek, bringing a sweet smile to his face. She tells me goodbye and that she’ll be back with Sophie. My gaze locks on Donnie’s deep ocean eyes, but I’m the first one to break eye contact before the urge to jump into his arms takes over me.
“What are you doing here?”
“Is that a serious question?” he says in a disbelieving tone.
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just meant…never mind.”
Donnie walks closer until he’s standing at the end of the bed. He leans forward, gripping the footboard.
“I was outside your door when the nurses ran in here earlier. I was trying to get to you, but security pulled me back. I haven’t left since.”
“You just can’t help it, can you?” I shake my head but can’t hide my smile.
“Can’t help what? Wanting to be near you?” He sits on the side of the bed.
“Donnie, as much as I love you being here, you can’t keep your life on hold for me. You need to focus onyourselfand your future.” I look away from him and focus on the beautiful red roses that are starting to blossom.
“You think I give two fucks about any of that?” he says in a serious tone.
My head snaps back to him. “How can you say that?” I say, horrified at the thought of him putting me above his future. There’s no way in hell I am going to let him do that.
“You really think I can just go back to my life as if you’re not sitting here hurting, suffering because of everything you’ve been through?”