Page 51 of I Saved Him Too
“Hey, hey.” I reach for his hands. “Stop that. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I didn’t get you in time. I—”
I raise my hand in the air to stop him from putting more blame on himself. “Yousavedme.”
He tries to pull away, but I tug harder.
“Listen to me. You have kept me safe since we were kids. You always had my back, even when I didn’t want it. You warned me about Christian, and I didn’t listen. So, that’s on me. Everything that happened to me was not. Your. Fault.” I stress the last three words with conviction. I need him to believe it was not his doing.
Tears glisten in his eyes. Seb never shows emotion, but he feels it all when it comes to me.
“You have to stop taking on so much blame, Seb. That’s a huge burden to carry. You need to let it go.” I wipe away the tear that made its way out.
“I love you, Reina. You’re my sister.” His voice cracks, and he pulls me into his arms.
“I love you too, Seb. You know you’re a stubborn ass.”
A deep chuckle vibrates from his chest.
“Yeah, I know. But you love me anyway.”
“I do.” I smile against his chest.
Seb pulls away but keeps his hands on my upper arms. “You know that boy Donnie fucking loves you. Don’t push him away anymore. He will take good care of you, and Itrusthe will keep you safe.”
I look away, not wanting him to see my tears.
“You deserve happiness, Reina. And he’s the one to give it to you.”
He places a kiss on my forehead.
Since Frankie’s death, I’ve been wanting to speak with Seb about that night, which is why I’m here today. He hasn’t said anything about it, but I need to make sure he’s okay.
“Seb, I can’t imagine what you’re going through since you shot Frankie. You can talk to me about it.” He pulls me back in for a hug.
“I’m okay. I’m dealing with it.”
“Seb, taking someone’s life…I can’t imagine what you and Max must be going through.”
“It’s not the first time we killed, Reina. You know this.”
I pull away from him enough to look up at his face. “I know, but he was your family.”
Before he can respond, someone calls my name.
“Yo, Reina!” I glance over Seb’s shoulder to see Gio’s panicked expression as he runs toward us.
“What the fuck is going on?” Seb barks.
“Here.” He hands me my phone, panting.
“Oh, shit. I didn’t realize I left it.”
“Take the call,” he says urgently.
I furrow my brow at him. “Why?”
“Just take it and put it on speakerphone,” he says in a serious tone.