Page 57 of I Saved Him Too
When the door shuts behind them, Tia taps on my window. She leans down close enough for only me to hear. “He loves you.Only you. Don’t start second-guessing yourself.”
“I wasn’t—”
“Yeah, you were. You forget how much I know you. Have fun, andjust be with him.” Pure kindness replaces her sass.
“You too. Have fun and lethimin. He’s good for you.” I look over my shoulder at Ash, who’s giving me a sweet smile, letting me know he’s got my girl.
“Yeah, I will. He’s not so bad.” She kisses my cheek and allows Ash to wrap his arms around her shoulder. They make the short walk to the cherry wood double doors.
I can feel the intensity of Donnie’s stare through the reflection in the window.
Sighing. I turn to Donnie with weariness shining in his bright blue eyes.
“You know nothing happened with Addy that night. You believe me, right?” His words are softly spoken.
“I know that.”
He pauses, and when he seems satisfied with my response, he nods.
“We don’t have to stay here. We can go somewhere else. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I only wanted to show you off.” He smirks.
“No, it’s fine.”
He gives me that sweet boyish smile and leans in and kisses me. It’s slow and soft.
“Let’s go.”
* * *
I stay glued to Donnie’s side as we walk through the chaos until we reach the gourmet kitchen, where all the drinks and snacks are set out.
“Do you want something to drink? It doesn’t have to be alcohol.” His features soften.
I know why he’s asking, even though I was almost shit-faced at his birthday party. People think that because you grew up with an alcoholic, you cannot enjoy a drink, but that’s not always the case. Though it may be true for other people, not me. I refuse to go down the same path after seeing firsthand what it did to the people I love.
“I’ll just have water.”
“It’s about time!” Tia comes from behind and wraps her arm around my neck.
“You good?” I ask, glancing sideways.
“Yep.” She pops the P and kisses my cheek.
“Whine Up” by Kat DeLuna featuring Elephant Man blares through the speakers.
“Don’t worry, Shorty. Mama’s good with me,” Ash says as he tries to drag Tia to the dance floor.
“Yo, D!” Wyatt, Jag, and another of Donnie’s teammates I recognize from after the game walk up to us.
“This your girl, D?” the third guy says, tipping his beer in my direction.
“Yeah, she is. Babe, this is Tommy. He’s on the team.” Donnie wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his side.
“Nice,” Tommy says in agreement, taking a swig of his beer. His eyes never leave mine.
Donnie growls under his breath. “Really, Tommy? Take your eyes of my girl.”
I chuckle at his possessiveness.