Page 15 of Forever & Always
I couldn’t help but smile. “It was all I could do to get rid of her tonight and it was a huge exclamation point on how suffocated I’ve felt. She can’t take a hint.”
“Dylan. Sometimes you just have to say what’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s less painful.”
My mind flashed to another time when I didn’t say what was on my mind; when Remi didn’t tell me that she was leaving until the last minute, and the anger and pride that kept me from begging her to stay.
“Really?” Instinctively, I knew she’d understand.
Remi’s hand wrapped around the inside of my elbow, and she leaned her head on my shoulder for a second or two. “Yes. Just because I was dumb, doesn’t mean you have to be. What’s the truth?”
“An over-simplified version would be that she wants to come to KC with me and I don’t want the complication.” I was ultra-aware of her hand on my arm and how close we were together and how our walk was really a meandering stroll. I felt as if time had stopped.
“I see. So, what’s stopping you from just being honest? Except, I’d stop short of calling her a complication.”
I shrugged and huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, it’s probably the hysterics I’m expecting. I’ll be busy training and I need to focus.”
I wondered if the words sounded as callous to Remi as they did to me. “I understand. I’m in the same boat.”
We made our way toward downtown and there was a pub with an outside seating area covered by an awning and music filtered out into the night air from inside. She’d given me the perfect segue to ask about the boyfriend that Mace had mentioned but I chickened out. “Wanna get a beer?”
“Or two.” She flashed a brilliant smile. She was the same Remi, but even more beautiful than I remembered. Her lips looked so delicious with their soft gloss and hint of dark pink color.
“Or three,” I added, pulling open the door to the bar the air conditioning hit us in a wave. “Inside or out?”
“How about on the boundary?” Remi suggested. “Almost outside?”
I agreed. It would allow us to hear the music, but also allow us the chance to continue our conversation. I guided her through, holding her hand behind me as we weaved our way through the crowd until I found a small table on the edge of the patio. We sat down and I waved at one of the waiters who was soon beside us.
“One Corona and a Bud Light.” I ordered our usual without asking, then stopped, glancing at Remi. “Is that still good?”
She smiled and nodded.
The waiter left, telling us he’d be right back, and I dug a twenty out of my front pocket and threw it on the table. My phone pinged and I shut it off before setting it on the table. I didn’t want any interruptions from anyone for the rest of the night.
“So, tell me about your boyfriend.” I threw it out there, not really wanting to know, but it would be hanging over our night if I didn’t take the leap. Her eyes widened in question. “Mace may have mentioned it,” I admitted. “Is he also pre-med?”
“All of my friends are pre-med,” Remi admitted. “I rarely have time to socialize beyond that dynamic.”
It was apparent that I was going to have to pull it out of her. The waiter arrived with our drinks, and I lifted the bottle to my lips and took a long pull. “And? You must have some time because you have a guy.”
Remi sipped her beer, glancing away. “And nothing, really. His name is Alan and we’ve dated for about a year.”
I felt the tightness of jealousy grip my chest. I knew it wasn’t fair. I had no right to feel this way.
Alan.I cringed as I tried to picture the man in question in my mind’s eye. “Alan? Is he as generic as his name sounds?”
She shot me an incredulous look, her mouth falling open in shock at my words. “Yeah, not nearly as impressive as plastic Barbie, I’m sure,” Remi answered sarcastically. “Just a boring med student with an IQ of 155.”
I smiled at her apologetically. “Point taken.” Part of me wanted to bait her further. I could make a nerd comment or ask how his physique compared to mine so I could somehow make him appear inferior to me but decided not to be an ass. “So, it’s serious then? Is he attending med school at U of T, too?”
“And… how long have you dated Christy, Dylan?” Her eyebrows arched in question. “More than a year, I’d guess. Longer than I’ve been with Alan.”
I balked inside as my stomach tightened. “Yeah, but it’s different,” I protested. “It’s just sex.”
“Hypocrite, much?” Remi laughed.
I took another swig from my beer. “Come on, Remi. It’s different for girls. If you date for a long time you’re invested. Especially, you.”
“Oh. As opposed to Christy? She’s not invested?” she asked knowingly.