Page 42 of Forever & Always
“What?” Remi raised her head and rolled over, covering her mouth as she yawned.
“Nothing. I’m just sorry we have to leave, soon.”
“Me, too. It’s been a wonderful few days.” She sat up and lifted the covers, swinging her bare legs to the side of the bed. She stopped short, realizing she didn’t have a stitch of clothing on. “Oh,” she said shyly, her cheeks flushing red. She looked adorable, her hair a mess from the numerous times I ran my fingers through it or pushed it off her face as she rode me. She was so beautiful, I couldn’t breathe.
I felt my dick spring to life again but cleared my throat and remained under the thick comforter.
“Don’t look,” she said, glancing over her shoulder, her face half hidden by the fall of her dark hair.
“Really, Remi,” I asked. “Seriously, after last night?” I smiled. She was adorable.
She nodded. “Yeah.” She pulled the comforter around her body and stood up walking toward the bathroom. “We should get going.”
I watched her disappear into the bathroom and shut her door, her stoic tone taking me aback. I sat up and ran both hands through my hair as I heard the water turn on in her shower.
Shit! What just happened?
This was exactly what I feared. There was an awkwardness that hung between us. I made a promise to myself that it wouldn’t last. The night was amazing, but I wasn’t going to lose my best friend because of it. The rebellious side of me wanted to follow her and make love to her in the shower, but right now, we needed to talk more than we needed sex. I got out of bed and walked, naked, out of her room and into mine.
During my shower, I became even more convicted to clear the air. We’d agreed to take our time getting back and take a drive through the national forest and Smokey Mountain National Park and I’d be damned if those plans were changing. I scrubbed at my scalp with the shampoo the resort provided, the suds rinsing down the planes of my body.
I dried off quickly, toweling my hair roughly and tossing the towel on the floor of the bathroom. I quickly threw on some shorts and a Clemson T-Shirt and stuffed everything else in my duffle bag, checking my room and the bathroom in a final pass before leaving some cash with a note “For housekeeping” on the nightstand.
Remi’s door was closed, so I walked to it and rapped two quick times with the back of my knuckles. “Hey, I’m going to load the car. I thought we could grab breakfast on the road,” I called, loud enough for her to hear me.
“Okay. I just want to dry my hair,” she returned.
My own hair was still wet, but I figured I’d just leave the window down for a bit and it would be dry in no time, but I didn’t argue. “Okay. I can grab your bag if you want?”
“It’s okay. I can get it.”
My heart fell. She felt guilty and probably regretted the most amazing night of my life. I hesitated for a beat, reluctant to leave with this uncertainty crashing down on me, but then proceeded down the stairs and out the front door of the cabin to stow my gear in the trunk of my car.
The air was brisk and the shadows of mountains blocking the sunrise made it feel colder. I pulled a black hoodie from my backseat and had it ready for Remi when she came out of the cabin. She looked a little tired and her expression was sad as she approached. She visibly shivered, wearing jean shorts and a red, long-sleeved T-shirt.
“It’s so cool out,” she observed.
I held out the sweatshirt. “It is. You can wear this or use it to cover your legs in the car.”
Remi took it with a reluctant smile. I inhaled a deep breath, anxiety at the change in the ambiance between us rushing over me. I bent to grab her bag and stowed it with mine in the trunk.
“Thank you,” she murmured, opening the door to the passenger side, and sliding inside.
I joined her and turned on the engine but couldn’t resist glancing at her.
“Do you have to stop at the office to drop off the keys?” she asked.
“I do.” I just wanted to hurry that up and get going so that we could talk. The longer this awkward silence continued, the harder it would be to start the conversation I knew needed to be had.
I drove down the gravel road to the office, quickly hopped out and dropped off the keys, thanking the clerk.
“Was everything satisfactory?” he asked.
“It was amazing. Thank you.” I offered a half smile. “Have a great day.”
“You, too, Mr. Jeffers.” I paused briefly as I opened the door. He shrugged. “I’m a Tiger fan. You are an amazing soccer player. Good luck playing with the National Team!”
“Thanks!” My smile widened. “I’ve been lucky.”