Page 46 of Forever & Always
Dylan turned his head and nodded. “Obviously, I’m disappointed, but I get it. I know I have no right to expect anything, but I’ll be honest; I worry about you getting back to him and changing your mind about us. He’ll plead his case. He’d be a fool not to.”
My arms tightened and I turned my face to place a kiss on his neck. “I don’t want to hurt him.” Part of me felt that my relationship with Alan was sterile; more about building a future around us both being doctors than emotion. It was logical, but with Dylan… it was pure emotion, and it was so strong I could barely breathe. “But I’ve loved you forever. Whatever happens; that won’t change.” I nuzzled his neck with my nose. “Ever.”
Saying goodbye to Remi was the worst.
She didn’t want to linger after dinner, and we didn’t have an opportunity to talk privately once we reunited with our families. In fact, hiding the changes between us was difficult, at best.
Remi had twenty something texts and a few calls from Alan on her cell phone by the time we got back to Clemson and all day, I sensed how her discomfort increased with each new notification. Uncle Ben and Aunt Marin had already left for Wyoming, but we spent the last evening with our parents and siblings. Mace and Josh weren’t happy with us for leaving them out of our trip to Dollywood, though I sensed Remi had shared how things had changed between us with her little sister, Bliss, who kept throwing knowing glances in my direction.
When dinner ended and we headed to our respective hotel rooms, my mind was racing with how to get Remi alone. Tomorrow she’d be heading back to Memphis, and I would set out for Wyoming. I had always been confident in my albitites with the opposite sex, but this time I felt apprehensive. It was as if my entire life was teetering on the precipice of Remi’s decision. She said she loved me, and I believed her, but I also knew that both of us were accustomed to loving each other from a distance, and I was nervous that when she returned to her real life, the days spent with me would fade.
My stomach ached at the prospect of losing her after getting just a small taste of how great our lives could be if we were together. The last few days were the best of my life, and I was kicking myself for letting Remi leave Clemson three years earlier and ignoring what I knew, deep down, was the truth about us. I should have manned-up and admitted how I felt and asked her to stay with me, instead of letting hurt and anger dictate my actions back then.
As soon as I was in my room, I sent her a text.
Hey, can we talk?
I turned on the TV and stripped so that I could take a quick shower. It didn’t take more than a minute for her to reply.
Bliss is sharing my room. She knows, but it’s awkward. She keeps asking me questions that, frankly, are above her age level. I miss you.
My heart eased a bit at the last three words.
I miss you, too. I just hoped to get a few minutes to say goodbye.
Can you come to my room?
I want to, too, but I know that if I do, I’ll end up staying all night and I can’t with Bliss here.
I understand. I’m about to hop in the shower.
Try to call me later if she falls asleep or something.
I sighed as I leaned in, turned on the hot water in the shower, adjusted the temperature, and then stepped inside. “Well, that sucks,” I said aloud.
After three short days with her, Remi’s absence was like an elephant in the room. It was such a loss. I missed her face, her words, her touch… just her presence. I knew it would be hard to be away from her knowing that even if we ended up together, we faced years of a long-distance relationship.
Her heart was set on working at St. Jude Research Hospital after she graduated med school and I considered that I’d have to move eventually, commuting by plane for games and practice like Chase had done. It might as well be sooner rather than later, though I knew it was weird to want to talk to her so soon about potentially moving in together. Her parents made it work and I knew we could, too.
The hot water running down my body was relaxing, and I was tired. The drive and the lack of sleep the night before was finally taking its toll. I stood under the water rubbing the back of my neck before reaching for the soap and lathering up my body. My hands moved the soap around my hard body. I was in the best shape of my life; every muscle defined, with a BMI of less than ten. I was a machine on the soccer field and my strength allowed me to lift Remi as if she was a feather.
I closed my eyes remembering how she felt against me, how it felt, heart racing, her hands lightly caressing my back and but, her eyes large and dark as I sank into the warmth of her body. My dick was hard instantly, and I couldn’t resist sliding my hand around the shaft and squeezed as I pulled. It was a poor substitute for Remi, but maybe it would help me sleep. Now that I knew what it was like to be with her, nothing could compare, but my mind was working overtime. My heart throbbed as much as my dick, as emotion intensified the memory of our lovemaking. It didn’t take long to bring myself to climax, and though I came hard with a guttural groan of her name, it was a poor substitute for the night before
I turned and quickly shampooed my hair, rinsing quickly as I heard my phone ring from the vanity where I’d left it. I grabbed one of the white towels left by housekeeping and half-assed dried off with one hand while reaching for the phone with the other.
“Hey,” I answered, rubbing my wet hair and face with the towel.
“I’m all packed up and will be heading out early tomorrow. Alan is anxious and I just think it’s better to get back to Memphis and to talk to him in person.”
I walked into the bedroom and pulled back the covers, dropping the towel beside the bed. “I understand. I really wanted to see you tonight.”
“I know, but I just think that until I talk to Alan, we shouldn’t make it worse. I already feel so guilty, Dylan.”
I was frustrated. “Have you considered that you were mine long before he showed up in your life?”
“I know, but I was committed to him, and I shouldn’t have cheated with you. I owe him more than that.”