Page 53 of Forever & Always
I looked at her and shook my head, then put my foot in the stirrup and got back up on Maverick’s back and held my hand out to help Christy astride behind me. It was a tight fit on the saddle, and it was uncomfortable. Her arms wrapped tightly around my waist as she situated herself. I felt as if it was more to rub her crotch against my ass, but maybe I was just being pissy. I felt anxious, but I shut my mouth.
Oh, fuck me,I thought. What was I going to do if my cousins told Remi about Christy’s surprise visit? For the first time I felt thankful that she hadn’t decided to come to the ranch with me. I’d be royally screwed if she was here when Christy showed up, even if she was uninvited. I decided that tonight I’d insist that Christy share her friend’s cabin and I’d set her straight about where my heart was. Telling her I’d be busy had not worked, but maybe being honest would.
I rolled my eyes as my horse fell in step with the others as Mark took the lead. We’d be going along a couple of the creeks and tributaries of the Snake River. The Grand Tetons towered on the western horizon against the bright blue sky. It was a beautiful sight.
Christy’s hands roamed over my abs as she continued to wiggle against me, and I put my hand on hers to stop the exploration. “Stop,” I commanded.
“Why not? I’ll remind you what you’re missing,” she said and reached further into my lap and her fingers grabbed my cock. “Mmm,” she murmured.
“Stop it!” I removed her hand again, this time flinging it away. “My cousins are here, and this is my family’s ranch. Stop being inappropriate, right now!” I growled softly. “These people are paying guests!”
“I’m a paying guest, too!” she said, disgust lacing her voice. “I mean I’m here in this uncivilized dust bowl just to see you! You might be a little more gracious.”
We fell toward the back of the group, and I sighed. “Look… I didn’t expect you to be here, nor did I ask you to be. Can we just get through this trail ride, and then we can talk, okay?”
She pressed her face into my back and tightened her arms around my waist. We rode along the trail for a couple of more hours, listening to Mark talk about the landscape, wildlife, and the history of Wyoming. Christy moaned how bored she was more than once, but I just ignored her. We came to a place on the trail where there was an area set up for lunch. Large logs and rocks were positioned around a fire pit. It was a nice day and the chuckwagon had followed a few minutes behind the riders and would set up, then Cookie would prepare a lunch of burgers and hotdogs, beans, and potato salad.
Lily and Lila were already getting off their horses. There were hitching posts in three areas where we could tie the horses and they could rest.
I assisted Christy; helping her off Maverick before I followed and tied him on the same post that my cousins had left Edward and Bella.
“Now what do we do?” Christy asked, but her attention span was short. “Brianna! Billy!” She called her friends before I could answer.
“Just sit around the fire pit or go get something to drink from the chuckwagon. Lunch will be ready in about half an hour.”
“Where is the bathroom?” Brianna asked.
“Yeah, I have to pee,” Christy added.
I pointed to a group of trees. “There is an outhouse just beyond those trees.”
Both women’s expressions twisted with abhorrence. “Gross!” Christy said. “No, really, Dylan.”
“It’s either that or a log,” Lily cut in. “Personally, I like logs better.”
Lily shrugged. “Yep, me too!”
“It’s easy,” Lila said. “I can show you if you want. You just pull your pants down, sit on the log and pee. It goes behind the log, and you don’t get it on you. It’s easy.”
“Should we pick leaves to wipe with, too? Brianna asked in disgust.
“You get toilet paper from the outhouse. But ya hafta bury it to keep animals away,” Lily answered.
“Oh, my God!” Brianna whined.
“It’s not a big deal, babe,” Billy said. He was easy going and his eyes met mine then his lips twitched into a half smile.
“Easy for you to say. You just whip it out, wherever you happen to be,” Brianna protested. “I wish we’d never come here.”
“Oh, Jesus,” he said with an eyeroll. “You’re going to complain because they don’t have luxury bathrooms on a horse trail? This will be fun if you’ll just give it a chance.”
I barely took notice of them and walked away from their argument intent on looking for Mark.
“What about me?” Christy called, irritation lacing her voice.
“The girls will show you how to pee behind a log.” I laughed under my breath as I threw the words over my shoulder. Was this really happening? The difference between Christy and Remi screamed in its distinctness. She adored camping and roughing it was part of the fun. “Watch out for rattlesnakes,” I added.
“What?” Christy screamed. “Snakes? Dylan, don’t you dare leave me!”