Page 55 of Forever & Always
I felt sick inside. Sick at what I saw and sick because I believed for even one second that he’d changed, or that the magical days we spent together were all just for fun, all lies.” I wanted to vomit.
Dylan started to say something to her, moved his arm and shifted his position in her direction. When he did, he saw me standing over his shoulder and his blue eyes locked with mine. The blazing fire made his skin and hair glow golden. He hurriedly stood up and began toward me. “Remi,” he called.
My instinct was to turn and bolt away from him as my breath rushed out as my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. “Really, Dylan? You sure didn’t waste any time,” I said softly. The sting of tears began to burn the back of my eyes as I turned away, desperate to get away.
Dylan’s hand came out to grab hold of my arm at the elbow. “What? What are you doing here? I didn’t expect you.”
I nodded and blinked. I felt two fat tears forming in my eyes and knew they’d tumble down my cheeks at any moment and I felt a sob rise within my chest. I couldn’t stand the humiliation. I couldn’t break in front of Christy or him. “Obviously.”
I put my head in both hands for a split second to let the tears fall. It was as if they fell in slow motion and though it was dark and I couldn’t see them, I could hear them splat on the ground at my feet. My head snapped up to find Dylan’s bewildered expression. It was as if everything was amplified, looming around me like giants.
“What are you talking about?” He reached for me, but I stepped back. Confusion crossed his beautiful features. “What’s going on? I didn’t think you were coming.”
I nodded and flinched away. “I get that,” I said. “I really get it!”
Christy had followed us away from the main group. “Dylan, what’s she doing here? What are you doing here, Remi?”
I felt myself crumbling. “Oh, God, just go back to your girlfriend. I made a mistake.”
For a split-second Dylan didn’t understand, but then his expression hardened. “You don’t trust me.” His demeanor stiffened and he turned, lacing both hands on top of his head.
Another man and woman who had been sitting by the fire near Dylan and Christy were approaching. “Who’s this?” the woman asked.
“Remi!” Dylan tried to reach for me again, but I backed up and stumbled. I felt myself falling but he caught me. “Remi!” I could smell him. A mixture of smoke from the fire, his cologne and sweat. I closed my eyes against the urge to throw my arms around him and sob into his chest.
When he pulled me to my feet, I instantly pushed out of his arms; frantic to get away from the humiliating scene. “I can’t— I just… I have to go.” Unable to face Dylan and his friends, my mind raced for a way to escape. I ran over to where Ben was packing up some of the plates and utensils in big grey tubs. He looked up with a big smile. “Remi, I’m so glad to see you! Dylan said you weren’t planning on coming.” He hugged me lightly and I hugged him back.
“I wasn’t. Uncle Ben, can I borrow your horse? I need to get back to the house. I have to leave. Now.”
Marin walked around the chuckwagon. “What’s the commotion?” She frowned when she saw my tears. “Remi, are you okay?”
I shook my head. “No, I just need to go.”
“Remi!” Dylan walked up to our small group as he said my name again. My face crumpled as Christy and the other two followed. There was no way I’d have a moment of reprieve. “I want to talk to you. What are you doing?”
I faced him and his form blurred from the tears swimming in my eyes. “Please don’t make a scene, Dylan. I’m begging you. Just let me go.” I turned back to Ben. “Please, Uncle Ben. Can I borrow your horse?”
He shook his head. “It’s dark. I’ll take you up to the house.”
“I’ll be back Marin.”
“It’s okay,” she said, her face concerned. “Cookie and Mark are here. We’ll be fine. I’ll just see you back at the house.”
Ben nodded and slid his arm around me to guide me with him to one of the many hitching posts and mounted. He held out a hand for me and I took it.
“Uncle Ben! I need to talk to her,” Dylan protested.
Soon I was settled on the back of the horse and my arms wrapped around Ben’s waist. I closed my eyes as the tears began to fall unheeded. I held in the sobs with everything I had.
“Not tonight, Dylan. I don’t know what this is about, but not tonight.” He turned the horse out of camp and soon we were in a slow gallop toward the house.
I was so thankful for his help. Ben was technically Dylan’s uncle, but he’d been in my life since we were both six when he’d helped rescue us from Dylan’s biological dad.
When he pulled the horse to a stop near the front of the house, I hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Uncle Ben. I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart. What’s this about?” Ben asked over his broad shoulders.
“Just… I thought I had time to be here, but I really need to get back to Memphis.” I saw another horse galloping toward us in the distance and I realized it would be Dylan and I hopped down off of the horse and almost fell on my ass.