Page 78 of Forever & Always
The dreamy haze of sleep that protests and tries to drag you back into slumber had me hard despite the sun flickering through my eyelids. I tried to open my eyes, but they resisted as if made of lead.
My body was cocooned in the comforter and something even more delectable. I was wrapped in the muscled bands of Dylan’s arms, and one of his legs was hiked possessively over both of mine. Even without looking, I knew it was Dylan. Even if I were dreaming, it had to be Dylan.
Alan never made me feel this amazing and he wasn’t as strong. He never held me in the morning during our dating relationship; he was always up, showered and on his way out the door without so much as a good morning. He wasn’t strong and sinewed with muscle. The arms holding me tightened and I drew in a deep breath of his scent. No, this definitely was Dylan.
I tried once again to drag my eyelids open, but gave up and snuggled in deeper, my hands moving to close around his forearms that were holding my body up against his. I felt his head turn and his lips touched my right temple.
“What time is it?” My voice was scratchy and groggy.
“Does it matter?” Dylan asked. “It’s Saturday. Surely, even a dedicated student like you deserves a short reprieve from reality. This feels so damn good.”
“Mmmm,” I agreed with a nod. His nearness made me want to stay in bed all day and my body quickened as desire rolled like fire through the pit of my stomach to my sex. I felt like a feline; wanting to stretch and press against him, to feel his masculine hands stroking down my body bringing screaming pleasure to my burgeoning flesh.
I fought the desire to wiggle my butt up against his groin and instead scooted back to bring us as close as the confines of the couch would allow. Dylan was lying on his side, his back against the back cushions and we were spooning. “I don’t think this couch ever felt this comfortable,” I murmured honestly.
Dylan laughed softly. “I don’t think any couch felt this great,ever. Don’t —” he began, then stopped suddenly.
“Don’t what?”
“Nothing. Let’s just lay here until we die.”
I turned so that we were facing each other, and I could wrap my arms around his waist. Our legs shifted but were still entwined. I was overly aware of how high one of his thighs had risen between mine and it was all I could do not to thrust my hips forward so that contact was made to ease the ache that was throbbing harder and harder.
My eyes opened to his luscious lips and strong jaw that was now shadowed in stubble only inches away. Unable to resist, I raised my hand to run my fingers along the lower edge. One of Dylan’s hands captured mine and brought it up to his mouth, He placed a soft open-mouthed kiss on the palm, letting the tip of his tongue touch my skin. It was extremely erotic.
My breath caught in my throat; my body’s cravings intensifying. “Dylan,” I said softly, cupping my hand around his face. I knew he could hear the need in my voice because I could hear it myself.
Dylan closed his eyes and paused. He didn’t move away, or remove my hand from his but instead, he rested his forehead against mine. When his eyes opened, they were intensely focused on mine. I held my breath in anticipation of his words.
“Remi…” The tone in his voice was velvet and filled with emotion. “What are your plans today?”
I felt disappointed, though tried to hide it. The look in his eyes said that he was feeling the same hunger for me as I was for him, but his words belied it. He was touching me softly, tenderly and I wanted so badly to feel his mouth take mine, to be rolled beneath him and feel the proof of his desire press into me. He gently pushed my hair back as he practiced restraint that I didn’t feel. I used my nose to nuzzle against his jaw, my breath rushing over the surface of his skin as my chin lifted and my lips parted, hoping to hint I wanted his mouth on mine.
“Surely you had your day set before I showed up.”
I could tell he was hedging. To be fair, I knew the trust issue was still hanging over us like a thunder cloud. The insecurity that I had made no sense considering how I just wanted to melt into his arms as if seeing Christy at the ranch and my reaction afterward never happened.
My heart wanted to forget it ever happened, but the images in my mind were there only framed by the years of other women always clamoring for his attention as far back as I could remember. “I was just going to go to the hospital to see Rory and maybe run a few errands.”
His hand slid down my upper arm to my lower back. “Okay, how about I take you to breakfast, anywhere you’d like to eat, and then I can go with you to the hospital, if it’s allowed.”
I was grateful he was here, but I was sad and frustrated that he hadn’t just flipped me beneath him and made mad, passionate love to me right here on my couch. I missed the hunger and urgency that we’d felt in the Smokey Mountains, and I wanted it back. “Sure. I want you to meet her, but don’t you think we need to talk first? And not at Bryant’s.”
“Is that where you want breakfast?”
“It’s the best, so yes. But Dylan, I just think we should talk first. Bryant’s is loud. It’s not like a regular restaurant.”
“We should talk for sure, but first, just let's have breakfast. I'm starving and I’m not trying to get into a big fight, right away. I just want to be with you for a while,” he admitted.
I sat up so that I could look down into his face, untangling from his embrace to sit on the edge of the couch. I wanted to see his expression, wondering why he thought it would be a confrontation. I laid a hand on his chest over his heart, and I could feel the steady beating beneath my fingers. Did he really think we would fight?
“I know, but I want to fix this as soon as possible. You’re the one person in the entire universe that I can’t really live without. Even if we’re fighting or don’t see each other for years. I just need to know that you’re there and always will be. I need to know we’re okay.”
Dylan’s strong hand came up to cover mine. “I know. I feel the same way, but you don’t have to worry. I’ll always be here for you.”
His words made me braver. “This morning waking up with you felt so good.”
His blue eyes bore into mine as if he were looking straight into my soul. He nodded. “I want to make love to you so much,” he admitted honestly.