Page 91 of Forever & Always
Dylan was rubbing my arm from the shoulder to the elbow to comfort me.
I huffed, contemplating the answer. I knew what I wanted but putting it into words made it seem even more impossible. “At first, I just wanted to foster, so she didn’t have to go to a stranger. I feel so bad for her. After her treatment ends, she’ll be released from St. Jude’s and then she’ll be in the system. I might not even be allowed to see her.”
“I understand. You’ve got such a big heart, but you’ll have full-time med school in a couple of months, so it might not be realistic expectation. You can only do what you can do.” He slid one bent knuckle down the side of my face to trace the line from my cheekbone to my chin.
I knew he was only trying to help but it wasn’t like I hadn’t already considered everything he’d just said.
“I know,” I said. “I thought you’d want to help me. At least I hoped.” I had no right to expect it, but I did because it was Dylan.
“Come on,” Dylan said, taking my hand an pulling me into the living room. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I curled in, as if I were a child. “It will work out,” he murmured.
I laid my head on his shoulder, but tilted my chin, offering my mouth for a kiss.
After the night that we’d had I should be elated, but one part of my life didn’t negate the other, and within minutes, I’d have to begin our drive to the airport and then it would be three, long, weeks until we’d see each other on the island. I closed my eyes and lost myself in Dylan as the precious seconds ticked by.
Finally, it was the weekend of the Jamaica game. I was so jazzed to see my girl.
Even though Chase would be in town with the team, I didn’t care. I didn’t care if he knew I was boning his daughter right, left and half of sideways; she was staying with me in my room. I smiled, remembering when I’d first heard her use the term that first time, we’d seen each other when she’d come to Clemson for my last game. It was amazing how fast time seemed to have passed since we’d gotten together and yet, how it dragged every minute when we were apart.
I missed her and the weekend I spent in Memphis was over a month ago. It seemed like years. I had to admit that I was happy as hell. I mean, I had a perpetual smile on my face, and I felt like I was floating just knowing she was mine. Finally.
Our game was on Saturday, but I was meeting Remi in Jamaica this evening. I couldn’t wait and I ripped off my shirt on my way to my locker, only to be stopped by one of the coach’s voices. And not just any coach.
“Jeffers!” Chase’s voice rung out in the locker room. We’d just finished our last pre-game practice and the place was filled with sweaty guys in various stages of undress. “In my office!”
I winced. Oh, well. I wanted to speak with him before Remi showed up on the island. I threw my soiled shirt in my locker and went, shirtless, through my teammates toward the south end of the building where the coaches’ offices were housed.
Chase was sitting at his desk when I rounded the corner and leaned in. “Yes?”
“Come in and shut the door,” he scowled.
If I wasn’t worried that he’d take my head off, I might have laughed. Chase never got riled. There were maybe twice or three times in all my life I’d seen him mad. I did as he asked and then sat in the seat opposite his desk.
“So, I hear my daughter is going to be meeting us in Jamaica. What I want to know is why is this the first I’ve heard of it?” Chase demanded.
I lifted one shoulder in a half-assed shrug. “You wanted us to get together. I thought you’d be happy.”
Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure Remi had told him, but it was easier to assume she had.
“I did, but I didn’t expect the two of you to sneak around behind our backs. Do your parents know?”
“It hasn’t been that long,” I answered honestly. “We only just made up a month ago and I have just been concentrating on her. Why do you think I go home right after practice? I can’t wait to talk to her.” I tried to be relatable so his anger might soften. He wouldn’t give me a smack down or be violent in any way, but he might run my ass into the ground on the field. Chase was my coach, but growing up, he’d been my Uncle Chase, my father’s best friend, the father of my best friend, and I’d hero worshiped him like a God. “You know how it is,” I said.
He nodded, but the steel in his green eyes, so much like Remi’s, did not soften. “Yes, I do, and it was right around your age when our world fell apart. What are your intentions with her?”
My eyes widened, surprised that he had to ask. “Do you really need to ask? I’m in love with her and I want to marry her.”
I could see Chase’s chest rise as he drew in a deep breath. “Okay. I’m glad to hear it, but not yet. Wait until she’s out of medical school. You can both have your dreams if you don’t lose focus on the end goal.”
I leaned forward in my chair. “You sound like my coach, Uncle Chase. I know you’re worried about her, but I won’t hurt her. I’ll take care of her, and I promise not to interfere with medical school.”
“She’s so precious to me, Dylan. I won’t have her hurt. You guys have had your rough patches and believe me, I know what it’s like to be your age and crazy in love. You might even have broken her heart a few times, though I hope not.”
“I didn’t realize she talked to you about me that much.” It was either that or my mom had spoken to Teagan, who told Chase how I felt. Or, it could have been my little brother had told Mace. Either way, it was only a matter of time before everyone in the family found out. It wasn’t a secret, but I had kept it close to the vest because it was so new, and if for some reason it didn’t work out, it would be more painful if we had to explain it to so many people.
“Remi hid it fairly well, but I knew when she wanted to change universities after only one year, it wasn’t due to academics. And… Teagan and I don’t keep secrets. Even when our kids ask us to.”