Page 95 of Forever & Always
“No, and it’s so awful to watch. It’s worse than I remember going through it.
“We were in a tough place with you, but we were lucky, Remi. Without Chase, we wouldn’t have found a match in time. Are the doctors going to give her a marrow transplant?”
I nodded in silence, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. “Yeah, that’s why we were able to get the court order. There is only a thirty percent chance a family member will match and even less if it’s a stranger, but at least her name is on the list.”
My mom reached over and laid a hand on mine. “Sounds like you’re doing whatever you can.”
My voice got tight. “It doesn’t feel like it. I wish I could adopt her.”
“I know you do, but you’re doing what you can. Focus on healing her, first.”
“I know. Even if she does recover, she’ll have to go into the system for almost 2 years and there is almost no chance I’ll be allowed to foster her because of my age and my circumstances. The chances of being able to stay in contact after she’s out of the hospital are slim.”
“Remi I can see you’re upset, but as I said, the first thing is to get her healthy. You have big things on the horizon with another year of med school starting in the fall, and you’ll be so busy. Are you sure you’re in a position to raise a child, let alone one with leukemia? Even if the state would allow you to do so?”
A sob tried to break from my throat, but somehow, I managed to hold it in. I blinked back the tears. “No. I know it’s a lot. Dylan and I have talked about it, and he said that if the DNA test turns up anything and they can’t locate a phone number or address, he’d pay to hire a private investigator to help track her down. He’s so wonderful.”
“That’s very sweet of him. He always did look out for you.”
“I’m his damsel,” I said, simply.
The words made my mother smile. “Ah, yes. I remember. Has he met Rory?”
“Just once, but they were amazing together.”
“I felt that way the day you met Chase.” Her eyes took on the softness of melancholy.
“I recognized Daddy from photos that you’d shown me, Mom. I remember that day like it was yesterday and now I’m just trying to give Rory some good memories and happy times. I bought her a Rapunzel wig and Dylan watched Disney movies and danced with us at the hospital. It made her so happy. But she’s sicker, now, just weeks later. I almost didn’t fly to Jamaica today because I was afraid to leave. She cried her heart out when I told her I had to go see Dylan for a few days. She asked if she could come with me.”
“Awwww, poor little thing. Well, if you need help with anything; money, emotional support, or if you need me in Memphis, I’ll be there as much as I can. I bet your grandparents would also help. And Aunt Kat. Maybe Marin after the tourist season is over, and even Missy between her assignments. Who knows? Maybe one of us will be a match to give her marrow. There are a lot of us and some of us should already be in the donor bank from when we tested for you, but I’m sure everyone else would be willing to do so.”
Emotion filled me. Dylan and I had such an incredible extended family and I wished with all my heart I could share them with Rory; a little girl who didn’t even have a mother. “Thank you, Mom. That means so much. Everyone is just so…” I struggled to find adequate words. “Incredible. I’m the luckiest person on earth.”
“There are my girls!” I heard my dad’s voice behind us and once again jumped up and ran into waiting arms, hugged in one big bear hug by both my dad and Dylan.
My mom had turned and was watching the three of us with a happy smile. When the hug broke, my father went to greet my mother. “Hey, handsome,” she said and then stood to go into his arms for a hug and a kiss. I was never surprised by how much they loved each other, and my dad had been in Kansas City with Dylan for practice while my mom was in Atlanta with Bliss and Mace.
At the same time, Dylan folded me, more completely into his arms. “Oh, I missed you! I’m going to kiss you, now,” he warned with a devilish look in his eyes as he peered down into my face. My arms were around his waist and his around me. He was so gorgeous; he took my breath away.
“But–” I began.
“Uh uh,” he stopped me. “You’ve got to get used to being kissed in front of them. They need to get used to it, too. We might as well start now.”
I smiled. “Get your mouth on mine, then. You talk too much.” I teased.
Dylan’s beautiful face split into a bright smile before he complied with relish.
“Mmm… you taste so good,” he murmured sexily. “I can’t wait until later.”
“Me, either.” I stood in the circle of his arms, gazing up at his face. “I love you, so much.”
He kissed me again, this time more deeply, and I responded by opening my mouth to his exploring tongue, kissing him back. Finally, I was back in his arms after weeks apart; my heart soared, and my body quickened. I looked forward to losing myself in the love between us when, I could forget my worry and focus on the man I loved.
It was great to see Teagan, but it was unexpected. I was itching to take Remi back to our room. Mother and daughter had a lot to talk about, and I prepared myself for the meal to be drawn out.
We pulled two more of the lounge chairs closer to those that the women were sitting on and then Chase motioned to the waiter ordered more drinks. I sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for Remi to join me on the same one. She hesitated only briefly smirking, glancing at her parents, then settling in front of me and between my thighs. I wrapped my arms around her, and she covered them with hers. It was heaven.