Page 51 of Shadows of the Lost
“You’re blushing again.”
“Get. Dressed.Later, remember?”
“Painfully, yes.”
Grabbing my pack by the nightstand, I decided it was saferfor me to ready myself in the shared bathroom. Behind me, Gaige chuckled, and I fled the room before he could lure me back in.
A small, perhaps egotistical, part of me had hoped that our night together would make it easier for Gaige to control his shadows. That effortless swagger and confidence he exuded, though, had already dispersed with the whispers of smoke around his quivering fingers. Sweat dampened curls clung to the back of his neck as he stood before Ozias, hands outstretched with palms facing skyward. We’d found a more secluded space behind our temporary abode where we could train in private in the hopes Gaige would feel more comfortable.
They’d only been at it for ten minutes, however, and I could already see his mental fortitude deteriorating.
Calem plopped to the ground beside me and set a platter of food between us. “You missed breakfast.”
“One wrong word, Calem,” I started coolly, “and I’ll have Gaige sic Boo on you.”
He placed a hand on his breast in mock astonishment. “Me? Why I’d never.” Leaning forward with an easy grin, he braced his forearms on his knees. “Course, if I’d been in your shoes, I would’ve opted out of breakfast, too.”
A muscle twitched along my temple. “Do you have a hearing problem?”
“What?” He laughed. “I’m just agreeing with your decision.”
“You are an absolute pain.” I braided my fingers together to keep myself from backhanding him. A few feet away, Ozias and Gaige were at it again, and thin ebony tendrils had begun to wrap themselves around Gaige’s legs. They moved fluidly like a feline begging for attention. And just like a cat, they turned the moment Gaigetried to coax them into something tangible. He let out a frustrated exhale, and Ozias palmed his shoulder in reassurance.
“In all honesty, though,” Calem said, momentarily shifting my attention back to him, “I do agree with your decision.”
The soft, earnest tone of his voice quieted my irritation. “Decision?”
“To be with him.” He nodded toward Gaige. “I’m glad you two figured it out.”
I’d expected a rush of heat to claim my cheeks, neck, and ears at discussing the nature of my relationship with Gaige, but the only sensation I experienced was a sudden blooming warmth in my chest. It radiated outward through to my fingertips, and I felt—rather than forced—an involuntary smile.
“Me too.”
Calem dipped his chin to look me directly in the eyes. “That doesn’t mean I won’t tease you, though.”
“Naturally,” I said. His devilish grin indicated as much.
“So, who made the first move?”
“And we’re done.” I stood, ignoring the peace offering of assorted fruits lying untouched on the ground. “I can only hope Kaori will impart some modicum of etiquette to you as the days go on.”
Calem’s smile stiffened. “I’ve got my beast under control. We don’t need to train together anymore.”
“Yet you still prowled after her yesterday. Interesting.” I walked away, delighted to let him stew on my words and fight against something that was likely as obvious to me as my pining for Gaige had been to him. As I approached Ozias and Gaige, I kept a short distance to give them space to work without interfering. Eventually Calem rejoined my side, and for once he kept his thoughts to himself. Perhaps I’d struck a chord he wasn’t ready to examine. My gaze cut to Gaige. I could relate all too well.
“Okay, let’s go again.” Ozias stood before Gaige with his legs planted wide and palms upward. He centered himself with an exaggerated deep breath and encouraged Gaige to do the same.
His eyes slipped close. “I don’t think this is working.”
Ozias broke his stance to place one hand on Gaige’s back and the other on his chest. He straightened Gaige and then gave his arms a squeeze. “You can do this. The shadows are everywhere. You don’t have to forge them out of nothing, you just have to call to them.”
Instead of answering, Gaige opened his eyes and curled his fingers in a subtle beckon. Thin sable tendrils slithered through the grass from the depths of the surrounding forest and snaked around his ankles.
“Summoning them has gotten easier. But getting them to take shape…” He gestured with a cupping motion as he tried to will them into something more tangible. They only continued to slide over one another in response. “No progress.”
Again, I was struck by how bestial the shadows seemed to behave. There was a frantic, wild energy to them, as if they couldn’t determine whether to fight or flee. Pressing my lips together, I recalled all the previous instances of Gaige’s shadow work. There were always two phases to his magic—the sudden rush and vicious attack, followed by a rapid escape.
They’re beasts.