Page 2 of Bite of the Vampire
She did. She hated this part of her new life. She didn’t feel hungry, ravenous for blood, like she thought she would. In fact, she felt she could live without any sustenance at all. Which would be a mistake. She wouldn’t die, according to Levka, just grow weaker. “Are you all right?” Caitlin asked Stasio as he made his way back to his seat across the aisle from them.
“If I wasn’t flying in a plane during a wild storm, yes.”
She thought he looked awfully pale.
“We are staying at your castle, Stasio,”Levka said telepathically to the group.
Redheaded Ruric nodded to Levka from the middle seat across the aisle, his green eyes widening a little.“I take it you want me to make the reservations.”
Ruric had the amazing ability to hack into computer systems and the other princes said he was either of Viking or Celtic heritage. She wasn’t sure, but she thought he was funny and good-natured.
“Yes. And when we get settled, we need to have a run to the blood bank,”Levka said.
“I’ll go,”Stasio said.
“I’ll go with him,”Arman said, his brown hair tied in a tail, his brown eyes dark.
“To boldly go where no man has gone before,”Ruric said,“in the great words of Cpt. James T. Kirk.”
Caitlin felt like the flight would never end, but for now, they seemed safe. What would happen when they arrived though? She could envision a league of vampires waiting at the airport, ready to kill them all. Her too, even though she hadn’t been in trouble in Wales like they had been, but she was with them, so she thought she would be terminated with the same prejudice.
* * *
When they arrived in Wales,they processed through customs, the officials eyeing them suspiciously since none of them had time to arrange to bring any luggage with them. They had been in too much of a rush to leave the States before a hunter with the league caught up with them. For years, Levka had tried to steer them all in the right direction, to keep him and his friends out of trouble, but this time, everything was his fault. Saving the female teens in Dallas from being brutalized by some male teens in the warehouse district of Dallas—all humans, saving Caitlin’s life by turning her—not that he wouldn’t have done it all over again—but that was the reason they were here now. Levka wished his friends hadn’t been caught up in the mess and now were also on the run.
At least there were no vampires waiting for them at the airport to take them into custody that they were aware of.
“That’s something else we must do,”Levka shared privately to his friends.“Get some clothes and personal items.”
Ruric said,“I would shop for everyone, but I think everyone will want to do their own shopping.”
“I do,” Caitlin said, her blue eyes narrowing as she gave Ruric a get real look. She said to Levka, “So you fixed it so that my foster parents wouldn’t know that I existed.”
“Well, we couldn’t do it ourselves because we weren’t able to return home. But the Dallas League of Vampires would have made it their mission, just to ensure that no one reports you as a missing person. Of course, they’ll only do so with your foster parents and sister, no one else you might have known. Except for the school records custodian. But you see how one little change affects so many? You no longer exist as far as your family believes, yet all your teachers would wonder what had happened to you. Most likely, the League will say you transferred to another school. Then your teachers and the students you knew wouldn’t ever learn of it. That’s another reason the league will be angry with us for turning you without their permission. They had to fix everything to hide what we’d done.”
“Will we ever be able to return to the States?” Even though she didn’t have a home there any longer, Levka suspected Caitlin still longed for the familiar.
“We will, but we’ll have to settle someplace else for a while,” Levka said.
“You don’t work?” Caitlin asked.
“Years of investments. Independently wealthy.” Levka smiled. That made it easier for them to move at will from place to place without any difficulty. Not to mention Ruric’s ability to hack into computer systems to get them free rents when they needed lodging or free tickets when they needed to hop on an airplane.
“I didn’t finish high school.” Caitlin sounded a little bit dismayed that she couldn’t finish her schooling.
“You can do it online once we find a place to settle.” Levka leaned his seat back and frowned at Caitlin, wondering if that was even possible for her to get her witch training in. “You’re a witch. Do they even have online classes for witches and warlocks?”
“Yes. I had just never considered taking classes that way. I was enrolled in a regular school. My dad wasn’t a warlock, so he preferred that my sister and I went to regular schools. My mother loved him so much, she went along with it, but taught us what she knew after school and during the holidays.”
Caitlin sounded sad and he knew it was because she’d lost her parents and sister in the boating accident. “I’ll pay for your schooling.” He would do anything to make her feel better about leaving her world and the changes she faced as a vampire on the run.
“Thank you. Too bad you couldn’t buy your very own castle.” She settled against him as if she was truly fine with being with him, with all of them, and her new way of life.
“Maybe we can. We have the funds. We would just have to find one that is available. It would be nice to have a place of our own and just stay put for a while.”
“When we can settle down somewhere, I’ll see if I can find any courses on the internet. I’m probably pretty weird—I’m sure most students would be glad if they didn’t have to attend school any longer. But because of our predicament, and possible further trouble with assassins, I need to have the best witch’s arsenal I can—for protection and for fighting too.”
He kissed the top of her head and patted her thigh. “Have I told you how much I love you?”