Page 32 of Bite of the Vampire
Scotty shrugged. “The majority of us have voted for twelve of us to be in charge after we’ve overthrown the current council. It won’t be one man running things.”
Caitlin glanced at the men gathered there. “No women on the council?”
“Half of the council members will be women. None of the others are here who will be sitting on the new council. But all of us will be in the fight. We have alternates who will take over should any of us die in the coming battle. And we are going to do this. One league at a time, I suspect. Once we overthrow ours, it will open the way for the others to do the same with theirs. Who knows but you might become the ones who start a catalyst that makes for the changes we all need. And the best thing is you won’t have to keep running.”
Okay, nowthatappealed. Levka could see the interest in his friends’ faces. Jasmine just folded her arms and looked annoyed, like she couldn’t believe they would get her mixed up in a revolution when she was perfectly happy being an assassin. Caitlin ran her hand over Levka’s arm and took hold of his hand and squeezed. She nodded to him. She was in.
“All right. If there ever came a time that we could useyourhelp—that is if this is successful—you will aid us?” Levka wasn’t about to do this only out of the goodness of his heart. He did think though that if they cleared the way for the new regime, he and his friends could stay in Scotland whenever they needed safe refuge.
“Aye, you know we will.” Scotty smiled. “Ale all around at a pub down the street.”
Levka sure hoped he wasn’t getting his friends and Scotty and his people into a real mess.
* * *
Jasmine grabbedStasio’s arm before he joined Levka and the rest of his friends to have an ale and talk about their plans for the revolt. “If anybody was askingme,I’mnot all right with this.” Jasmine couldn’t believe that her mission to take down one rogue vampire had turned into joining his cousin, a rogue also, and his best friends, all of whom had to flee other assassins, and now were getting ready to battle it out with the Scottish League.
Stasio pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “You don’t have to fight in this war.”
“Then what? I’m on my own? You got me mixed up in all this. What am I supposed to do?”
“You stay here at the bed and breakfast. When we’re through, we’ll come and get you and then we’ll decide from there where we’re going.”
She shook her head. “No. I’m out of here.”
“You can’t leave.”
“Like hell I can’t.” She went back up to her room, realizing she didn’t have a bag to pack. She needed to get some clothes to tide her over.
Stasio followed her up there and leaned against the door frame. “You are already one of us. You don’t know the trouble you could get into being on your own. You’re my girlfriend, but I respect your wishes to stay out of the battle.”
She sat down on the bed in a huff. “I can’t believe I’m in the middle of all this.”
Stasio had the nerve to smile. “Look at yourself in a situation like this. You would hound your prey forever, wouldn't you? Until you finally finished the job? You would want your pay."
She frowned. "Yes." As much as she hated to admit it, Stasio was right. If the League sent assassins after her, she would be in the same boat as the rogues she had been after. Stasio appeared so forlorn, like he was about to lose his best friend in the whole wide world. She poked her finger at his chest. "If I stay with you"—his expression brightened—"I will be every bit as much a rogue as you." His smile broadened. "That isnota good thing."
"But we will be doing the right thing. You can't take the League's word for everything. It's like listening to the news. Some newscasters report what sells, not the truth. So the League won't look at the problems with the system and make any changes. It has been done like this for hundreds of years. It will continue to be done like this for thousands more. Is it right? No. Does it need to change? Yes. And it doesn't mean we'll make sweeping changes all at once, but if humans need our help, what is wrong in offering it to them?"
She let out her breath, knowing this was what she would do even if she also knew it was dangerous, could get her killed, and she wasn't sure she was doing the right thing. Yet she also knew that Stasio was right. That change was needed. She had just chosen not to look at it.
"All right. I'll watch your back; you watch mine," she said.
"Always," Stasio said, most sincerely.
“Though I…might change my mind about the battle at the last moment. A woman’s prerogative.”
Then she kissed him, and he kissed her back as if they were sealing the bargain. But it was more than that. She was dating him, so no other vampiress need apply. And no human either, who might think she stood a chance with Stasio.
"Do you think we might be able to win?" she asked.
"We always stand a chance to win." Stasio smiled, running his hands over her arms.
"Or lose."
"Exactly. It's a gamble. Life is in general. When you fight a rogue, you take the chance that you could come out the loser also," Stasio said.