Page 34 of Bite of the Vampire
Jasmine sighed. “I’m just not used to having anyone back me up for any reason.”
“We’ll be there for you now,” Stasio assured her, reaching out to squeeze her hand. “About the other issue.”
She arched a brow.
“Pierre. I’ve been thinking, if we could prove to the New York League that he has behaved as a rogue, then the tables will be flipped on him. He will be at risk for being eliminated. Forget about his proving you’re a rogue and coming after you as his next mission,” Stasio said.
“But how could you do that?” Jasmine asked.
“We get ahold of my brothers,” Gareth said. “They had already reported him to the Welsh League of Vampires because he hadn’t had permission to eliminate me. You thought your league had gotten permission already, so you were not in the wrong. Though I’m glad I had friends and my brothers looking out for me. They would talk to the New York League of Vampires about it.”
“They would do that for me? Are you sure?” Jasmine realized how having connections like that could be helpful.
“They would do that for me because they know Pierre’s not going to let me go. He’s going to keep trying to assassinate me,” Gareth said.
“But the Welsh League gave him permission to terminate you,” she told him.
“Which were all lies. My brothers confirmed with the Welsh League of Vampires that they hadn’t agreed to allow Pierre to go after one of their own. So you see? He’s a rogue and my brothers will have them verify what went down.”
Jasmine frowned. “But Pierre will say I am Stasio’s girlfriend. I said so even. The Welsh League of Vampires can confirm that Stasio and his friends are all rogues. Well, all but Caitlin.”
“My brothers will come forward to say that you had no knowledge that Levka and his friends are rogues and that you in fact believed Stasio was a trained assassin like you. An honorable profession. Which you did believe. Pierre will have no legal leg to stand on.”
Jasmine sighed. “I believe your brothers would inform on Pierre regarding being a rogue in trying to eliminate you, their brother, but why aid me when I had tried to end your existence myself?
“They will do this because I ask them to,” Gareth explained. “Though if you’re involved in the takeover of the Scottish League of Vampires and fail and the elders learn of it, you will be called a rogue.” He smiled in a very charming, typical vampire rogue way.
“Okay. Thanks. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you and your brothers,” Jasmine said.
“If you are able to continue to work for the New York League, just forget we’re on the rogue list.” Gareth motioned to Stasio and the others.
“You’ve got it.” Though she figured she would soon be discovered to be in on this attempted coup business and there would go her assassin job all over again. Besides, she was rethinking being an assassin anyway. She had no friends in the business because everyone was trying to protect their own jobs. Outside of work, she couldn’t have friends since she might end up being involved with a vampire who was a rogue that she was clueless about—like Stasio—and see where that got her?
“If Gareth’s brothers can clear your name and put Pierre on a list, maybe it would be best for you to return to New York and not get messed up in this business,” Levka said.
“Yes,” Caitlin agreed. “Levka has always tried to keep his friends from getting into trouble because of something he has done—like saving the girls, and then saving and turning me—so we don’t want you to lose your assassin status and become a rogue like us.”
Stasio was watching Jasmine expectantly, waiting to hear her verdict.
Arman cleared his throat. “I agree. We can’t have an assassin with us who might change her mind about turning us in for the money.” He winked at her, and she thought he was making a joke.
Ruric added his two cents. “You have an important job taking down rogue vampires. I mean, there are some who are truly rogues and who have to be eliminated, no doubt about it. As long as you remember we’re some of the good guys.”
Stasio finally spoke up. “I don’t want to see you go. I won’t deny I want to be with you, and I would protect you if we felt Pierre or other assassins would try and terminate you. But if you have your assassin status back, I have to agree with Levka and the others. My feelings are unimportant. Your life to me is much more significant. I want to know that you stay alive and continue doing what you love to do.”
Jasmine blinked back tears. She’d never had vampires say anything so nice to her. Especially when they were rogues! But they were right. They were the good rogues and should never have been put on any termination list. The elders were wrong. The rules needed to be changed. Sure, she could take down bad vampires, but she felt this was her new calling. To play a part with this team of do-gooder rogue vampires to help change the world—one league at a time.
“You’re stuck with me. I still want Gareth’s brothers to clear my good name, but beyond that, I’m all in on helping Scotty and his people overthrow the Scottish League.” Jasmine squeezed Stasio’s hand back. “Sorry. You’re stuck with me.”
He smiled, looking massively relieved.
Scotty rejoined them and pocketed his phone. “Okay, that was not good news. The current council has picked up one of our newly voted-in council members for questioning. He won’t reveal our plan, but it’s worrisome that he was arrested in the first place. We haven’t been able to learn what William’s being questioned for. About the coup? Or something completely unrelated? In any event, we’re moving the timeline up.”
“To when?” Levka asked.
“Instead of in two weeks, we’re doing this tonight. We’ve got the people here, staying at various locals’ homes. Everyone has their own swords. Some are a little rusty with fighting, but they’ve been practicing for the last two weeks. If any more of our council members are arrested, it could make those who have come to help us back out. So we’re doing this now.”
“It’s nearly sundown. Just another half hour,” Levka said.