Page 40 of Heart’s Cove Hunks
The weekend that follows is busy. I spend two days packing with my mother while the kids are away so we’re ready to move into Candice’s old place on Monday.
Kevin drops them off at the rental on Sunday evening, peering over my shoulder to the house beyond. His lips curl in disgust. “Is your new boyfriend there? I hope you’re not letting some creep around my kids.”
I stare at the man on the doorstep, wondering who the hell I was married to for so long. Is this really the same man I thought I’d grow old with? Someone so vindictive and bitter? Someone who cheated on me while we were married, and now gets mad that I might be moving on after the divorce?
Maybe it’s the fact that I have a girl gang behind me, a bit of space, and the attention of a sexy, sweet, motorcycle-riding badass, but I’m finding it hard to be small and civil and meek with Kevin now. I square my shoulders and stare him down. “He hasn’t met the kids, and he won’t meet them until I’m ready for that to happen.”
Kevin snorts. “Yeah, right. He’s probably in there now. Tell me, Trina. Do you think of me when you suck his cock?”
Startled, I blink. Did he just say that to me? Did he just say that to me?
Oh, hell no.
Cocking my hip to the side, I arch a brow. “Honey, I don’t think of you ever, and definitely not when Mac’s big, beautiful cock is involved.”
Then I slam the door in his face.
Then I start shaking, and tears leak down my cheeks, so I hide in the powder room in the hallway until my mother knocks on the door.
“Trina? Everything okay?”
I open the door so fast my mother stumbles back, wide-eyed. “Kevin just asked if I think of him while I suck Mac’s cock.”
Mom’s jaw drops. “He said what?”
“So I told him I don’t think of him ever, and definitely not when Mac’s big, beautiful cock is involved.” The words are coming out of my mouth for the second time, and it’s just as horrifying as the first.
But Mom doesn’t look horrified. Her eyes widen for a beat, then she throws her head back and laughs. When she wraps me in a hug and pats my back, I pull away and shake my head.
“Mom, I haven’t done anything with Mac. I don’t know anything about his penis. It could be tiny. He could have a micropenis!”
My mother arches a brow as her lips twitch to keep a smile down. “Sweetheart, I don’t think Mac has a micropenis.”
“I don’t know if I even want to find out!”
“Of course you want to find out. Don’t be silly.”
I’m living in an alternate universe. That’s the only explanation I can come up with for the fact that I’m talking to my mother about Mac’s…equipment. My mother and I don’t talk about sex, ever. I definitely don’t discuss specifics, like, ever ever. But for some reason she seems to think this is all a big joke.
That is, until she pats my cheek with a soft look in her eyes. “I’m proud of you, Katrina.”
“You’re proud of me? For saying that?” Definitely an alternate universe. I’ve fallen through a wrinkle in the space-time continuum.
Mom huffs. “You let that man dim your shine for years. He walked all over you and it broke my heart to see it. Let him imagine you in bed with a handsome man like Mac. Just let him! He deserves to squirm.”
“I don’t want to be vindictive. Why can’t we just co-parent like adults? He was more than happy to sign off on me moving here. Said it would be better for his work, but maybe I should have stayed closer to him. Maybe the distance is hard on him, and he’s regretting it.”
“Good.” My mom gives me a decisive nod. “He should regret it. He ruined a good thing and he treated you like crap.”
“Nana said crap!” Katie screams from down the hall. “Toby, Nana said crap! She said a bad word!”
I close my eyes for a beat, and when I open them my mother is chuckling. She turns toward Katie’s voice. “I did say crap. Crappity, crap, crap!”
“Mom,” I cut in, exasperated.
Katie just squeals. “Crap!” my daughter yells, then bursts out laughing.