Page 87 of Heart’s Cove Hunks
I just nod, sadness sinking deep into my gut. He’s leaving. He’ll be gone soon. “Thanks.”
Suddenly I can’t take it anymore. I have to say it out loud. “Fallon quit,” I tell Amanda, jabbing my thumb toward his chest. Then I clamp my mouth shut and turn to look at him.
“You quit?” Amanda says, her voice quiet, subdued. “Do you have another job lined up?”
Fallon looks at her over my head, and I just want to shrink down to nothing. He sweeps a broad palm over his jaw and releases a sigh. “I’ve got things I need to do.”
Amanda frowns. “Things?”
Fallon looks at me, then looks at Amanda, and nods to the back door. “Can I talk to you?”
They’re gone for a few long minutes. Amanda comes back first, her face drawn. She grabs her bag from the counter beside me and gives me a curt nod. “Let me know what you think. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Is everything okay?”
She pinches her lips, then drops her shoulders. “I broke up with Fallon five years ago, and I thought it was the right decision. Then I came here, and it felt like a mistake. I missed him. Who wouldn’t?” She huffs and glances at the back door before sliding her eyes back to mine. “It was stupid of me to hold on to the past. I know it never would have worked between us. We’re too different.” She slaps a hand on her forehead and squeezes her eyes shut. “I think I just need to get laid. Badly.”
I stand completely, utterly still. I’m not sure if I’m uncomfortable or happy or upset.
Her eyes open and land on me. “Anyway, it’s over now. Really over.”
Happy. I’m happy. Does that make me an awful person?
“And…how do you feel about it being over between the two of you?”
Amanda releases a sigh and gives me a tight smile. “I’ll live.” She hooks her bag over her shoulder and looks at me strangely. “How do you feel about Fallon leaving?”
“Terrible,” I tell her honestly.
She snorts. “I like you, Jen. I’ll call you later about your comments on the book.” Then she’s turning around and walking out to the front of house, her heels clicking on the floors with every step.
A gust of air tells me Fallon is back. Our eyes meet for a moment, and I’m the first to look away.
“I’m not going to go,” I tell Candice.
She whirls to face me, mascara wand in hand. “Excuse me?” She’s got one eye done as she shoves the wand back in its tube and points it at me. “What did you just say?”
I snap my blush shut. “I’m not going to the gallery. Why would I? Kevin’s only showing pieces in Heart’s Cove because he wants to get to me. He wants to weasel his way back into my life. If I don’t go, he can’t do that. He won’t win.” I glance at the door, intending to walk downstairs to tell Allie I don’t need her to babysit the kids after all.
“No, if you don’t go, he will win.” Fiona steps out of the en-suite bathroom, a curling iron in hand. “If you go, look at his stupid paintings, and show him that you don’t care what he does, he’ll know that this is your town. If you stay away, you’re telling him he can stomp all over your turf.”
“Plus, Mac is showing some pieces too.” Simone walks in with a fresh bottle of wine.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant,” I answer.
Everyone rolls their eyes. Even Jen, who’s the designated driver and therefore not full of wine like the rest of us.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Fiona says, thrusting her glass out for a refill.
“Guys, I already told Mac I didn’t want anything with him. He said he missed me and I told him I wasn’t interested. It’s done. As in, finished.”
“So?” Simone gives me the sassiest eyebrow arch I’ve ever seen.
“This is stupid,” I say, but I flip my blush compact back open. “Going there tonight is a bad idea.”