Page 18 of Conquest
“Leo, you remember Camilla, from the bakery,” Amelia said, her voice slightly dazed. She introduced Leo to Lucy, and he shook their hands.
Then his gaze landed on Amelia again. “You give any more thought to my proposal?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Listen, I—”
“We’re going to The Shed tonight,” Camilla cut in, standing up to grab her little duffel bag, pawing for her phone. “You should come. Amelia will be there. Let me give you her number.”
Amelia started. “What? No.”
“Camilla…” Lucy hissed.
Camilla made a little motion with her hand near her hip, like she was telling them both to calm down. Leo watched, calculations happening behind his eyes. Then he took Amelia’s number from Camilla and promised to come to The Shed that night. He jogged away and the three ladies watched him go in silence.
Well, she wasn’t sure what her friends did, but Amelia watched him go. The view was even better from the back. Apparently, people had muscles there too. All she’d ever seen on her own back were those little bulges above her bra strap.
When Leo disappeared from sight, Amelia remembered she was outraged and rounded on Camilla. “What the hell?”
“He isperfect,” Camilla said, falling to her knees to grab Amelia’s hands.
“What are you talking about?” Lucy screeched. “He’s a player! I’ve heard all about him. He was a party animal in college, and then he started working for Goodhew almost right after graduation. They plan insane, luxury events for the rich and famous, which means all he does is party for work. He’s probably drowning in poon—”
“‘Poon?’” Amelia arched a brow.
“He’s thelastperson Amelia should date. She needs someone who will treat her right, not bang and dash.” Lucy harrumphed.
Amelia opened her mouth to respond, but she realized what she wanted to do was defend Leo. There was a lot more to him than just partying…but what did she know? She’d only met him yesterday.
But Camilla’s eyes were shining as she shook her head. “No, ladies. He’s not perfect for Amelia to date. He’s the perfect guy to teach Ameliahowto date.”
Amelia frowned. “What do you mean?”
“What’s the one thing a man like that is good at?” Camilla asked, then didn’t wait for a response. “He’s good at flirting, seducing, and sealing the deal.”
“Those are three things,” Amelia grumbled.
Lucy sat back, a thoughtful expression on his face. “You think he can help Amelia find a boyfriend. But Leo isn’t known for relationships. How is he supposed to help?”
“Amelia doesn’t need help with the relationship part. She’s thoughtful and caring and amazing. Any guy would be lucky to have her as a partner. But she needs help getting guys torealizehow amazing she is.” She pointed down the path where Leo had disappeared. “He can help with that.”
“You might be onto something,” Lucy said, tapping her index finger on her lips.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Amelia climbed to her feet and planted her hands on her hips. She scowled at her two friends, but despite herself, the seed of Camilla’s suggestion germinated.
Leowouldbe able to teach her how to make herself more attractive to the opposite sex. After all, seduction was seduction. He had oodles of experience attracting women. He knew what worked and what didn’t. Plus, if they were going to pretend to be engaged, they’d have lots of time to go over the basics.
Amelia turned the suggestion around in her mind and considered that maybe he’d be able to give her advice of a more carnal nature. Her ex-boyfriend, Josh, had been very clear about how bad her bedroom skills were. Leo St. James had had sex with five women in one night! He’d probably bedded a thousand women. He could write a handbook on sex—hewouldwrite a handbook on it! Amelia would make sure of it! She’d have her own personal sex book, and no one would ever accuse her of being too enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic enough, or too wet or too dry or too stiff or whatever other complaint Josh had had about her. She would be a sex queen. She just needed to collate the right data to figure out how to do it.
“Yeah,” Amelia heard herself say. “This could work.”
In exchange for her presence at Leo’s work retreat as his loving fiancée, Amelia would squeeze every bit of information she could out of him. The man was a veritable treasure trove of knowledge on sex and seduction.
Data analysis required data, and Amelia would mine Leo for all he was worth.
“Absolutely not.”Leo ground his teeth, lest a more forceful answer fall from his lips.
Amelia met his gaze, looking as fierce and determined as ever. He loved that little pinch of her lips. It made him want to run his thumb over her mouth just to feel it soften against his skin.