Page 58 of Conquest
Oh, this was going to be messy. Amelia giggled, completely forgetting that she was supposed to be keeping an eye on everyone around her to spot any suspicious behavior. Right now, she didn’t care about a silly, expensive ring. She didn’t care about the mysterious list Ari had been hiding. She didn’t care about Vanessa’s money troubles or Robert’s dark past as a made man.
She just wanted to win the puzzle challenge prize.
Leo was blindfolded, then he threaded his hands under Amelia’s arms. Then Fred counted down, and they were off.
“Okay, we need a number three,” Amelia said. “They’re stacked in the top right corner of the table—no, other right—a bit higher. Bit higher. Yeah. Okay. Now it needs to be placed on the second slot from the left, top row. A bit more. A bit more. There. Okay. Grab another three. Other side. Yep.”
This went on for a long time. Leo had to do things by feel, and Amelia had to wrestle her impatience into submission as the seconds ticked by. She glanced over, and it looked like Ari and Hank were making better progress.
“Gotta speed it up, babe,” she said. “Next slot to the right for that piece. Yep. Okay. We’re doing number nine now.”
Minutes bled together as their audience watched on, laughing and commentating. Staff members milled around with refreshments and snacks, but Amelia had eyes only for the Sudoku board. It was down to the wire. Ari and Hank had only a few more numbers to place down, so she urged Leo to move a bit faster. A bit faster. Just a little bit more—
“Yes!” Amelia cried. “Done!”
“Percival,” Fred called the butler over, who looked over their board to make sure it was correct. Leo pulled off his blindfold, but immediately returned his arms to Amelia’s waist. She could feel him all against her back, butt, and legs, and she leaned into him while Percival officiated the game.
It was for show, she told herself. Not because it felt good to lean against Leo. Not because his body fit against hers like two pieces of a jigsaw. They were just pretending to be an enamored couple about to be married.
Percival glanced at Fred and nodded. Leo squeezed his arms around Amelia’s stomach, and she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over her lips.
“We have our winners,” Fred said, and the assembled group of guests—most of whom had obviously lost interest after being knocked out of the first round—gathered closer. “Leo and Amelia have won the puzzle challenge!”
Polite applause and a few cheers rose up, and Amelia beamed. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught Leo’s eye. He winked, then dislodged his arms from her waist and came to stand beside her.
“Now for your prize,” Fred announced. Everyone grew quiet, anticipation rising in the crowd. Amelia could feel it against her skin like static electricity. She’d won! She’d done it. And now she’d have something to show for it.
Fred motioned to Percival, who produced a gilded envelope. Heartbeat thundering in her ears, Amelia watched as Leo accepted it, flipping it around to run his fingers over the wax seal. He met her gaze. “Would you like to do the honors?”
“She deserves to,” Hank said, smiling. “Clever woman you’ve got there, St. James.”
Leo’s gaze was warm as he handed the envelope over. Amelia’s stomach was full of butterflies, her smile so wide it creaked around the edges. She broke the seal, opened the golden envelope, and pulled out a sheet of paper. It was thick vellum, folded in thirds.
Would they get a trip? A piece of tech? Maybe a romantic dinner reservation at a special restaurant? A gift certificate to a luxury spa? Oh, the possibilities were endless! A man like Fred, with connections and money…this was going to be good.
Hands trembling, Amelia unfolded it—and discovered their prize.
“‘Ten percentoff your next order at Marco’s Pizzeria,’” Amelia read, voice flat. Hoots rose up from the audience all around, Fred’s booming laugh grating on her nerves. There was fine print too: “‘Order value must be over $200.’”
Laughter around them redoubled. Amelia glared at Leo, who cringed. “Sorry,” he said. “There’s one dud prize per retreat. They’re handed out randomly. It gets talked about every year.”
“Lucky losers!” Ari cackled and slapped Leo on the back. “Sounds like we’re having a pizza party tonight.”
“Make sure to get a vegetarian one for me!” Vanessa called out, leaning on her boyfriend’s arm, a mocking smile on her lips.
“All right, people,” Fred called out, “Get your orders in to St. James. We’ll have to warn Marco’s early so they have time to prepare.”
“Wait,” Amelia called, “not only do wenotget a free trip to Europe, but we actually have to use our prize to feed you all?”
“It’s tradition,” Robert said with a wink, and he immediately moved up to the top spot on Amelia’s suspect list. He was way too gleeful right now to be a good person.
“This is just great,” Amelia grumbled, rereading the luxurious paper in her hands in case the letters had magically rearranged themselves (they hadn’t).
Leo’s arm curled around her shoulder, and he tugged her close. “You did a good job, though. I’m proud of you.”
“Don’t even,” Amelia said, but her lips curled. “I’m so mad right now.”