Page 88 of Conquest
“It belonged to you the moment you put it on, love,” he whispered. Gulping, he grabbed her right hand. “How about until you officially say yes, you wear it on your right ring finger?”
As tears coursed down Amelia’s face, she let out a little squeak. “Okay,” she whispered.
“You just have to promise not to shake hands with any old ladies.”
Snort-laughing, Amelia let him slide the ring on her right ring finger. “And stay away from squirrel-chasing chihuahuas.”
Once the ring was firmly back where it belonged, Amelia flung her arms around his shoulders. He stood, holding her, feeling like he was floating on air.
She felt perfect there, in his arms, exactly where he needed her. He inhaled the scent of her skin, her hair, then pulled away and kissed her long and slow and deep, not caring that they were in the middle of a restaurant and he’d just interrupted her date.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips.
“And I love you,” she answered. “You nutter.”
Laughing, Leo turned to Ben. “Sorry, buddy. She’s mine.”
Ben grinned. “We already decided to friend zone each other.”
“But in a nice way,” Amelia added. “It’s a compliment.”
“Yeah.” Ben nodded. “We’re happy about it. And I’m happy for you.”
Leo assuaged the tiny twinge of guilt in his heart by paying for the dinner Amelia and Ben had eaten. He shook the other man’s hand, then wrapped his arm around Amelia’s waist and led her out of the restaurant. They enjoyed the cool evening breeze on their way back to Amelia’s building, only stopping six times along the way for impromptu kisses and makeout sessions on street corners.
Leo’s heart soared. He touched her like a man starved. He held her face, stroked her skin, wrapped his arms around her waist, and tugged her close. She was his—she would be his—forever.
“I love you,” he told her for the thousandth time, which made her laugh.
“You mentioned that,” she teased.
“And I’ll keep saying it.”
When they got to Amelia’s building, she paused at the front door. Keys in hand, she gazed at him curiously, then touched the ring on her right hand. “This proposal,” she started, “it’s not just a ploy to continue your cover story, is it?”
Leo’s heart ached. He’d put those doubts in her head. This was his fault. Sliding his hands over her cheeks, he lifted her face until their eyes met. “I came clean to Fred this week,” he admitted, “and Fred already knew we weren’t really engaged.”
“And he was okay with it?”
Leo grinned, smug. “He could tell you were in love with me the whole time.”
“Oh, wow, I just got a call from NASA, and they said they can see your ego from outer space.”
Laughing, he slid his hand to her nape and pulled her in for a hard kiss. She tasted perfect and sweet and his. Heart soaring, he curled his other hand around her waist and pulled her tight, only coming up for breath when his chest heaved.
“I did, you know,” Amelia whispered.
“Did what?”
“I loved you the whole time. I know you think you need to change who you are to become worthy of me, but that’s just bullshit, Leo. It’s like what you told me when I was trying to learn how to flirt. I like you because you’re you. And you’re more than an old nickname, more than your past. You’re a strong, complicated man who makes me laugh, who sees the real me no matter how much I try to hide.”
A shuddering breath escaped his lips, and he wrapped his arms around Amelia and held her tight. Finally, she wiggled free and opened the door. They rushed upstairs and into her apartment, and they made it all the way to the sofa where they’d first kissed before falling in each other’s arms.
Leo made sure to show Amelia just how happy he was to be with her again until the only word she could speak was his name.
Boneless,Amelia stared at the ceiling and let out a happy sigh. Leo’s fingers trailed over her arm, up and down, soothing. She was collapsed on his chest, both their bodies sticky and sated.
Sex with Leo was explosive, passionate, and perfect. She’d never tire of it.