Page 25 of Deadly Star
He slid his hand between them and massaged her belly. “First point of order is to make room for me. Then your stamina will increase, and your body will get stronger.”
“So, it is literally...”
“Rebuilding you. Shaping you. Working on your cells to increase your longevity.” His fingers were helping the ache inside her. “It is a process.”
Nova swallowed. “Is it going to change me from being human?”
“No. It is merely working on the existing framework of your DNA, with some additions to make joining more comfortable.”
She muttered, “It was comfortable.”
“For you. I was holding back. The more you moved over me, the deeper I wanted to go.” Heboren sighed. “That would have been bad. Very bad.”
“So, they built self-control into all the Hmrain?” She leaned her head and rested her forehead against his chest.
“Sadly... no. They destroyed their consorts in their excitement.” He sighed. “A few learned to be careful but still have strange impulses where their partners are concerned.”
“Ah, I am very glad you are of the careful variety.”
“As am I. Now, we need to get some food into you and a shower. Probably shower first.” He chuckled and got them out of bed, carrying her carefully.
The shower was thorough, and Nova was tingling after he finished cleaning every nook and cranny... twice.
He took a gauzy dress out of the wardrobe and handed it to her with a smile. “The only thing left is the contract, and that is going to be settled before you eat.”
The black and gold dress outlined her body faithfully. It was just on the edge of opaque. She nodded. This was part of the position. She now represented a Hmrain everywhere she went. She was his chosen person or compatible person. Close enough.
A set of slippers and a kiss that made her wish they had more time, and they left his quarters.
Na’ith was waiting and cleared his throat. “Overseer, while you were... resting... Overseer Nebel arrived.”
Nova felt Heboren tense.
“Where is he?”
“He has identified Lily as his consort, and after nearly crushing her at their meeting, he is now speaking with her on the observation deck.”
Nova gasped, “She’s alright?”
Na’ith nodded. “She recovered, but it was tense. The med team had to deal with Nebel first.”
Heboren asked, “Why?”
Captain Na’ith smiled. “She cracked his arm in four places.”
Heboren stared. “Nebel’s arm. She fractured Nebel’s arm?”
“She did, Overseer.”
Nova murmured, “Why is that so weird?”
“Hmrain are very difficult to injure. Nebel is nearly impossible to hurt. It must have been those arms of hers.”
Nova cleared her throat. “Arms? Her arms looked normal.”
Heboren said softly, “Her biological limbs were removed due to trauma. The hands she has now are implants. Nebel designed them. It must have been her signal that drew him out. He rarely needs to leave his world. He must have been travelling for months.”
“Wait. Those are artificial? They look real.”