Page 9 of Wrong Desires
“Come, little lamb. Come on my cock so I can fill you with my come, just how you like.” Although I have requested him to wear condoms several times, some sick part of me likes how I am the only partner he has never used protection with. Likes how I am the exception.
He thrusts into me so deep now, hitting a spot that sets my orgasm off. It barrels through me, and I cry out his name as I clench around his dick, just as he asked me to.
“Fuck,” he grits, going harder now. Then he stills, and I know he is coming when he jerks inside of me, his hot come filling me, just how he likes. I fall forward as he pulls out, tired from that little session, then feel his fingers at my entrance. I know what he’s doing—shoving his seed back into me. He likes doing that. I don’t know why. He scoops me up in his arms and stalks to the couch. He drops down, taking me with him, and cradles me in his lap like I am the most precious thing in the world. He strokes hair from my face so gently it makes me shiver. I feel him staring at me, but I don’t open my eyes.
“Are you tired, little lamb?”
“Mmm, I am,” I mumble.
I frown at the weird question but answer anyway. “Umm, because you fuck me for hours each day and night, and then I have to spend eight hours in an office, working, and you still find time to have your way with me. I’m exhausted.”
He presses his lips to my head. “I am insatiable when it comes to you, baby. I can’t get enough.”
I smile. “Is that supposed to be an apology?”
“No. I will never apologise for wanting you so much.”
I open my eyes and stare at him. Ethan Caldwell.
A man off-limits.
The man I love.
My little lamb is sick. She is in our joined bathroom vomiting into the toilet. Aspen is naïve enough to think it was the salmon we ate last night. I wanted to inform her that I would also be ill if that were the case but didn’t want to bother her while she had her head in the toilet.
I had already purchased the pregnancy tests and hidden them in my nightstand. They were waiting to be used. And I couldn’t wait for her to pee on one. Couldn’t wait to see the two lines confirming she was pregnant. Obviously, it was me guessing about that being the case. I wasn’t a doctor, but deep down inside, I knew.
Call it gut feeling.
It’s not.
It’s my knowledge of her being unprotected. I should feel bad. I don’t. Not an hour after holding that package of pills, I contacted my doctor. Twenty-four hours later, an exact replica of her birth control arrived at my penthouse with the placebo inside. I swapped out the packets and left them in the same state as the actual package. She has no idea what I have done. No idea, her being sick could be because my baby is growing inside her. I had been inside her that many times; it would be more of a surprise if she wasn’t pregnant at this point. She better fucking be. I will not stop until she is.
“Ethan?” her weak voice calls out from the bathroom. I jump off the bed and make my way to her. Pushing open the door, I find her wiping her hands on a towel.
I close the distance between us and pull her into my arms. “Yes, little lamb?”
“I think I have food poisoning.” She cries. I want to scream at her that she doesn’t. That if she opens her mind, she will know exactly what it is. I don’t do that though. Instead, I scoop her up and carry her to the bed. Dropping her down, I pull the cover up and over her.
“Stay in bed and get some rest. The restaurant down the road does the best soup. I will order you some and get it delivered.” I drop a kiss on her forehead then leave the room. I make quick work of ordering from the restaurant and ask Albert to bring it up when it arrives.
Pacing my open plan living area, it only takes a few minutes to come to the decision that I will present Aspen with the pregnancy test. I know she will be mad. But I don’t care. All I care about is knowing for sure whether she is pregnant.
I stride to my bedroom with confidence. Entering, I find her in the foetal position, and her eyes closed. She peels them open, obviously sensing me. She cocks a brow in silent question, but I ignore her. Rounding the bed, I pull open the nightstand draw, smiling when my hand lands on the test. I hear rather than see her shuffling around and turn to face her with the box in my hand. Her eyes widen.
“What is that?” she asks the question, but she knows exactly what it is.
I drop down and prepare for the argument I know is coming. “You know what it is, little lamb,” I start softly.
She shakes her head, then shuffles up so she is leaning against the headboard. “No. No, no, no, no. I am on the pill. I have food poisoning. That’s all.” Her denial is adorable. I reach out with my free hand and run my thumb across her full bottom lip.
“I just want to be sure. It won’t do any harm, will it?”