Page 6 of Rage
He moves forward a single step, offering a mechanical salute. “General, I initiated any and all unapproved contact. The responsibility for any infractions is mine, and mine alone.”
The blond alpha by his side draws in a sharp breath, imperceptible to a regular human’s ears, but AX2 hears it. The gratitude he feels at that small suggestion that this stranger cares what consequences he might face for his admission is blinding. But the urge to shield these men from whatever punishment comes next is impossible to dismiss. They are his kin.
And he is not alone.
But instead of anger or disapproval, the general’s face cracks in a wide grin.
“Ha! Do you see this?” He turns to look over his shoulder at the two doctors. “Five minutes together, and they are already displaying unit loyalty. Machines.” His focus returns to AX2, the triumphant smile still in place. “Step back, soldier. No infractions have taken place.”
This… is new. AX2 obeys, unease clenching in his gut as he flicks his gaze to her. New is dangerous with her. And judging by the murderous look in her pale gray eyes, she does not agree with the general’s assessment. Her father’s assessment.
It is… odd to think of her as having a father. Unpleasant. Addie, he’d called her. The same, shortened name the woman on the phone had used for her. The doctor hadn’t liked it, hadn’t liked being undermined in front of him, the look of anger on her face as prominent then as it is now.
“You may be wondering why we have gathered you together,” General Thompson says, his focus widening to include the other soldiers. “Through the hard work of the scientists working on Project Fireshield, the U.S. Military now has five soldiers amongst its ranks with unprecedented strength. You have all been tested through a series of complex missions, and we are most impressed with your combat abilities. Your unique qualities have ensured success where drones would have lacked finesse, and regular troops strength. Your victories have not gone unnoticed. The Pentagon has tasked me with taking your training in a new direction, and that, men, is why we are here today.
“For the past four decades, I have served our country, and the number-one lesson I have learned is that a man needs his unit. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, soldiers.; without brothers in arms, you are vulnerable. Weak. It is my wish, and the wish of the U.S. Government, that you integrate into the general military population. The eventual goal is that you form a special unit that can assist every branch of the defensive services as needed.
“Your combat prowess is impeccable, so going forward, you’ll be developing skills of a more social nature. Step one is to bring you together, like we have today, and to assess how you might operate as a unit. I have already provided Dr. Green and Dr. Thompson with your new regimen, and they will be overseeing your progress and reporting back to me.
“I have great expectations of you, men. Each of you has already shown how seriously you take this second chance you have been given to serve your country, and I expect nothing less as we move forward together. Now, I have duties to return to, so I will leave you with your capable team to get on with it. Good luck, soldiers. Do me proud.”
No one speaks as General Thompson nods at the two doctors, then turns to exit the room.
A vein throbs in AX2’s temple, one of his body parts untouched by engineering. He saw the people with the general yesterday: sleek suits and bland faces with cunning eyes. The kind of people at home in the shadows. Intelligence.
It doesn’t take a genius to work out why they were watching a demonstration of his abilities, not when it is immediately followed by orders to learn to socialize.
He dares a glance at her again, at her flatly pressed lips and darkened eyes, and remembers how she all but snarled that she could get him to follow any instructions necessary.
The thought has barely entered his brain when she lifts her gaze, catching his.
Her much-too-sweet name flickers through his mind before he can stop it, followed by the memory of her floral shampoo in his nostrils. Her fingertips on his chest. In the breath their eyes are locked, something dark and needy coils in his abdomen. Then her eyes widen, outrage flashing over her face before she rips her gaze from him and turns to the other soldiers.
“You know your orders: socialize. We will be observing your efforts. Noncompliance will not be accepted. Commence.”
“Speaking of whores,” the man to his left mutters under his breath, low enough that neither doctor hears.
AX2 blinks, the rushing sound in his ears making it hard to focus on the other soldiers hesitantly relaxing. The knot in his abdomen is still hot and tight, and he feels… empty. Hungering.
What is this?
“AX2.” Dr. Green snaps his fingers. “Join the others.”
He jerks once, finally managing to pull his focus from the disturbing sensations of his biological body. “Yes, sir.”
The others watch him, faces blank from what he assumes is the same sort of training that has taught him to keep his emotions hidden. But when he joins the loose circle of men, a dark-haired alpha with olive skin asks, “AX2?”
AX2 grunts, offering a nod. “You?”
“AX6.” He reaches out a hand. The movement is a little stilted, like he’s forgotten how to move his muscles for the gesture. “Dwayne.”
AX2 blinks, hesitating a long second before he puts his palm to AX6’s—Dwayne’s. It’s warm and dry, and the sensation blinds him for a heartbeat.
The others mirror them, murmuring introductions. The young, blond alpha he hugged is AX23. He calls himself Jack.
AX2 blinks as every man offers a name to go along with his serial number. AX9 is Sean. AX21 is Simon.